The Outsiders Analysis Essay. Words | 5 Pages. In the Outsiders, Ponyboy is a character who lives in a crime-riddled neighborhood, has little to no money, and his parents are dead. His best friend, Johnny, accidentally kills a rich kid, called a This essay has been submitted by a student. The Outsiders is a young adult fiction that plays the role of many adolescent characters and shows what teenagers from a different day an age were like. With the book being published in the year and the major differences and changes within society itself, young adults are still attracted into reading it today Mar 29, · The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton was written in This novel tells the story of the conflict between two different social groups, the greasers and the socs. The socs were the socials who lived in the rich part of town, and the greasers were the lower class youths. This novel tackles issues such as violence, class conflict, and prejudice
The Outsiders Essay, The Outsiders - Introduction on Study Boss
Hinton — Book Review. Book ReviewThe outsiders book essay Outsiders. The Outsiders is a young adult fiction that plays the role of many adolescent characters and shows what teenagers from a different day an age were like. With the book being published in the year and the major differences and changes within society itself, young adults are still attracted into reading it today, the outsiders book essay. Unlike the others boys in his gang, the outsiders book essay, he gets the outsiders book essay grades in school and loves to read books and watch films.
The one thing that stands out into why I love this book is how the character of Ponyboy is portrayed, along with all the other characters. It makes the book bring out more of an authentic feeling as a the outsiders book essay. The Greasers sort of become almost like the bad guys because they came from the wrong side of their class, leading many of them into having issues with the law, but yet have the power to maintain faithful to one another. This distributes the stereotypes in their class and what it feels like to be an outlaw in your the outsiders book essay. The adolescent readers can relate with how each of the characters played their role from both very different societies and the different class they are categorized into, this makes them realize that they are not so different after all.
The book can also distribute both the abrupt and long lasting terrors that young adults face through the character of Ponyboy, which can make him and the story relatable, the outsiders book essay. Ponyboy is seen in the story to have a lot of respect towards his older brother Darry whom he genuinely looks up to, being the only one he looks up to ever since his parents left. Darry portrays a tough demand on his younger brothers that we view as parental assurance, something that the reader can relate to. The readers can feel sympathetic towards the main character because we know that Ponyboy wants to be like the young adults we have today, who feel the need to fit in and be a part of a social group, but to also be isolated to then try and find who you really are without having to pay attention to what society, friends and family interprets you to be.
This can be a major reason as to why kids today are still reading this book. The Outsiders is a genuine and authentic novel that every teenager should read. We use cookies to offer you the best experience. The Outsiders by S. Hinton - Book Review Download. Category: Literature Topic: Book ReviewThe Outsiders Words: 1 page. Essay due? We'll write it for you! Any subject Min. Hire writer. More Essay Samples on Topic Book Review Book Report Book Review Gang Novel Character Literature Review Clock is ticking and inspiration doesn't come?
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The Outsiders Video Summary
, time: 7:42The Outsiders: A+ Student Essay | SparkNotes

The Outsiders Essays Plot Overview. Ponyboy Curtis belongs to a lower-magnificence institution of Oklahoma youths who name themselves greasers due to their greasy lengthy hair. strolling domestic from a movie, Ponyboy is attacked via a set of Socs, the greasers’ rivals, who are higher-magnificence youths from the West side of town By looking past the superficial differences between Bob and Ponyboy, Hinton emphasizes the sense of frailty and confusion that unites all the teenagers, whether well off or disadvantaged. Bob begins the novel as the emblem of all things “Soc”—that is, all things rich, smug, entitled, and different from Ponyboy and his friends Mar 29, · The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton was written in This novel tells the story of the conflict between two different social groups, the greasers and the socs. The socs were the socials who lived in the rich part of town, and the greasers were the lower class youths. This novel tackles issues such as violence, class conflict, and prejudice
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