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Stem cell research controversy essay

Stem cell research controversy essay

stem cell research controversy essay

Jan 27,  · Stem cell research is one of the most controversial topics of our day. As you think about writing a persuasive essay, consider the importance of this topic and how emotive it can be to discuss both the arguments for and against. Any embryonic stem cell research essay needs to carefully weigh up the pros and cons, as well as the ethics involved Mar 09,  · Stem cell research is however inevitable if progress in the medical field is expected particularly for terminal conditions. Opponents of stem research indicate that human life at all stages has a moral value, and it deserves the same respect as a born child. They consider destroying an embryo for any purpose medical research notwithstanding as Persuasive Essay: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate. Embryonic stem cell research is one of the most highly debated topics in modern day society; the possibility of recreating life using these pluripotent stem cells is a gigantic advancement in medical research. Former First Lady of the United States, Nancy Reagan said, “Embryonic stem cell

Controversy Surrounding Stem Cell Research Research Paper | WOW Essays

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Research Paper. Topic: PregnancyHumanHealthAbortionstem cell research controversy essay, Adulthoodstem cell research controversy essay, EthicsMedicineLife. Pages: Words: Besides the benefits from the research in stem cells, the research has proven to be one of the most controversial issues in the modern world. The prime concern is deciding whether its continuity is right or wrong. Many are arguing the issue of morality which involves the use of human embryos, genetic engineering, cloning and the biological impacts resulting from the research, stem cell research controversy essay.

It has spanned a strong debate in regard to its credibility in regard to ethical concerns primarily about creation, destruction and also the use of embryos. It does not stop there because of other issues raised about the species boundaries t be used, stem cell research controversy essay, the violation of the rather natural order of events which is considered rather divine because nature is deemed sacred as well as the finiteness of humanity. At the same time, relieving human pain and suffering which is regarded as paramount is put at stake. This research paper explains the risks and benefits associated with the stem cell research from an opposing point of view. The facts that have resulted from the application and research of the stem cell research have also been included in this research paper.

The moral and ethics effects and the debate concerning the stem cell research have also been covered in this research paper. Hence, the paper assists in understanding the resulting application of the stem cell research in the society, the controversy arising as a result of its continued research and application and the heated debate on the moral and ethical aspect of the stem cell research. Stem cells are specialized within particular physiological and experimental requirements. They are induced from cells which are unspecialized to be specialized under specific conditions. Stem cells have the capability of restoring themselves by a mechanism of cell division spanning through an indefinite time. They are classified into embryonic and adult.

The adult types are obtained from an adult patient or a donor who can volunteer Bevington, Linda, Ray, Gary, John and Christpher The adult stem cells have the ability to regenerate only the particular tissue upon which they were extracted from. The experimentation and research with embryonic stem cells is a significant milestone in research in the field of medicine. Many scholars believed that this type of research will help in treating human ailments and comprehending of the human growth Bellomo The advancement of the research was seen as a major step toward the likely cure for a number of serious diseases.

The emergence of stem cell research has elicited a highly debated political topic on its fundamental principles of its progress and application as well as in morality and ethics. For instance, a number of people may take the research in stem cell as immoral and destructive while other people can view it as best medical discovery in human history Kristen, Miller. Jerome From the implications of the debate, stem cell research controversy essay, neither side is right or wrong ethically, but we should consider the benefits and limitations which might arise with the research and application of stem cells. The major controversy surrounding research in stem cells involves the use of embryonic stem cells which are derived from human fertilized embryos and are then later destroyed in the process of research.

Besides the great benefits which have been achieved from this research, a large section stem cell research controversy essay our society argues in favor of respecting and safeguarding human embryos Cohen 4. In order to obtain ES cells, there should be destruction of early human embryos. As a result, two extreme conflicting groups emerged; those believing and advocating for the absolute human life which starts at conception and other group which never believed in this principles Cohen 7. The large scale spread of the issues of ethics in scientific journals and communication media started controversy on the advantages and disadvantages of human embryos research.

In that case therefore, stem cell research controversy essay, it is necessary that the public be educated and informed in details on the policy issues and ethical concerns which arise as a result of stem cell research and later its applications Degette Stem cell research controversy essay policy issues on the public should be concentrated on comprehending of the science related to stem cell research and a wide section of the community should be involved. It is quite necessary to invite the civil society to get informed and deliberate on the advancement of new scientific technologies that possibly are of more important to their social life Friedman 3, stem cell research controversy essay. Need for substitutes sources of ES cells without embryo destruction.

Undermining the likely living of the embryo while valuing the medical gains of human embryo destruction, stem cell research controversy essay. Replacing the ES cells with the adult stem cells. The four major faiths in the globe back the utilization of adult stem cells only for the use of alleviating human misery. Judaism, Hinduism stem cell research controversy essay Islam all back the use of hES cells because they link the start of life in the range of 3 to 5 months of conception which is after the blastocyst phase upon which the embryos are destroyed in order to get the ES cells needed for research Gruen, Lori, Laura, and Peter Christianity on the hand is the only religion which condemns hES cell research. Christians believe that the beginning of life starts the time the embryo attaches itself to the walls of the uterine at nearly the same period the formation of the blastocyst takes place.

The influence of religion on scientific advances has prompted many governments around the world to come up with policies safeguarding the research in hES cell Herold, Eve, and George For instance, in the yearthe US government came up with a rule which prohibited the embryo creation for research in hES and only permitted the use of cell derived before the rule. Despite the controversy surrounding the stem cell research, several countries have advanced the research. The United States for example has tight restrictions on the issue of federal funding, stem cell research controversy essay.

Other nations are overtaking the US in the research. Countries like Switzerland, China Korea and the U. K are fully permitted to undertake research on hES cell line. But despite the loose restriction in such nations, the ethical anxiety still is of major concern Holland, Suzanne, Karen Lebacqz, and Laurie The argument around the controversial stem cell research is that the likely gains of destroying an embryo cannot outweigh the ethical concerns. This is based on the fact that, destroying a possible human is unethical and not of basic moral principles. The moral position of human embryos makes use of two guidelines, the first one is a principle which necessitates the prevention and eradication of human suffering and the second one is the upholding the dignity of human life.

The research in stem cells is aimed at providing a collection of therapies to treat major and complicated ailments and as a result, the satisfaction of the first moral principle. But, stem cell research controversy essay, the research in ES cells destroys a human embryo resulting in limited creation of human line. Therefore, the satisfaction of the moral principle cannot be achieved Humber, James, and Robert The argument and the controversy start when the two main questions arise. They are; when do life starts and the embryo represents what? From the biological point of view the embryo cannot be recognized as a human being. Also, it cannot get attached to walls of the uterine until 2 week after gestation Herold, Eve, and George Some individuals argue that the embryos have the capability of becoming a human, but it is not human.

In the real sense the embryo is a human possibility but not actually a human. The Roman Catholic faiths believers have the strongest notions concerning the stem cell stem cell research controversy essay. They take into the issues of the stem cell under stem cell research controversy essay conditions. from the religious perspective, the debate takes two questions one about the core of the moral debate, the other stem cell research controversy essay about complicity; it questions the ability to destroy a human embryo because of medical research Friedman The Roman Catholic Church backs research in stem cell but is against a kind of research in which the stems are developed by the destruction of human embryo.

Pope Benedict XVI stem cell research controversy essay that ending the life of embryos for the purpose of research would definitely lead mankind to hell. The future research in embryos is advancing quite fast. Therefore, there is a possibility of the Vatican and whole Christian religion to agree and accept the hES research for the better of human life Bellomo The Islam views the activity of the stem research as acceptable. The perspectives concerning the stem cell research are contained in the Shariah which is the principle for the Muslim conduct. Islam argue that the embryo matures into a fetus on the forth month during pregnancy.

Moreover, the Shari'ah differentiates potential life and actual life stating the latter to have more protection Humber, James, stem cell research controversy essay, and Robert Therefore, one can argue before the end of month four of pregnancy, any embryo stem cell research controversy essay cannot be regarded as a human and hence can be securely be used for research in stem cell. There is a possibility of conducting stem cell research by making use of embryonic tissues in a manner that a number of people who are otherwise against to embryo destruction would find it morally upright. As a result, it will decrease the opposition to the present action of federally backed fetal tissue study. The intention on the research of stem cells is important. This means that, if the intention of the research is to assist and make humans benefit, then the research is then ethical.

However, if the research is done to dig money out it, then it is unethical. Correctly performed and controlled ES cell research may result in less ethical questions than Embryo Germ cell research. Every year, a number of embryos are destroyed in clinics concerned with infertility all over the world. The likely utilization of a fetal tissue to be used in research should be raised with the concerned party mostly a woman whose abortion decision entirely lies on her. But the major issue of concern is about who fear that the idea of donating the embryo for research will promote and encourage abortion. A number of implications have arisen behind the ideas relevant to the future of the study of stem cell technology. The use of public funds should not be used to back the destruction of embryos with the aim of producing ES cell lines.

This effort can be achieved by separating ES cell research from researchers. The use of embryonic stem cells can cause cancer. The cells can be malignant. The embryonic stem cells ability to cause cancer has been disturbing researchers. The uses of adult stem cells which are more stable than the embryonic cells. The adult stem cells also are not prone to tumors as the embryonic stem cells. The use of adult stem cells has been considered as the viable alternative. The researchers have found stem cells in most parts of the body like the brain, stem cell research controversy essay.

Also, the placenta blood and the umbilical-cord blood have been found to be plenty of stem cells. Adult stem cells have been successfully used in treatment hence reducing the need for the embryonic stem cells whose capability is mostly theoretical Bevington, Linda, Ray, Gary, John and Christopher The worthiness of adult stem cells has stem cell research controversy essay experienced by human being, while the use of embryonic stem cells is yet to show any worthiness. Stem cells have been used to overcome the conflict of immune resistance.

How will stem cell research help society?

, time: 6:01

Finding Common Ground: Resolving the Controversy that Surrounds Stem Cell Research -

stem cell research controversy essay

As shown by the various arguments in this essay, the debate over embryonic stem cell research is a multifaceted scientific, moral, ethical, and political issue. Embryonic stem cells, with their pluripotent potential and self-renewing quality, hold great value for scientific researchers in search of cures for untreatable diseases, progress in Dec 18,  · Hence, the paper assists in understanding the resulting application of the stem cell research in the society, the controversy arising as a result of its continued research and application and the heated debate on the moral and ethical aspect of the stem cell research Stem Cell Research Controversy: An Argumentative Essay Stem Cell Research Controversy: An Argumentative Essay Introduction Few topics in science and religion have been as hotly contested in recent years as stem cell research, largely because it involves the fate of, disposition of, and research on the human embryo

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