What is the best Sherlock Holmes story? - Yahoo Search Results Holmes finds cocaine to be “clarifying to the mind”(pg. ). In response to this statement Watson replies, “your brain may be roused” (pg. ), but the drug has many side effects. Throughout the rest of the chapter both Sherlock and Watson switch back and forth between using the words mind and brain Browse this samples catalog, spot an essay about Sherlock Holmes that fits your needs, and use it as a prototype to follow while crafting your own paper. Expectedly, thanks to having vivid Sherlock Holmes essay examples in front of you, you will be able to accomplish your work much faster and at a higher level
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Essay Example | blogger.com
Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. Over the years, sherlock holmes essay, people have been dependent on their talents and careers sherlock holmes essay provision. The exploitation of individual talents is one of the best ways for a person to earn an income. There are those who do not have talents while other have several of them at their disposal. In the professional world, there is a never-ending debate on whether it is right to specialize on one talent or branch out into exploiting more than one aptitude.
Those who support specialization argue that once one has perfected a talent, it is sherlock holmes essay to gain more from it than wasting time trying to branch out. On the other hand, it is believed that branching out is good for risk management because a person will always have a contingency plan Talent in the event they fail in one field. With a focus on the story of The Man with The Twisted Lip, the contents of this paper draw inspiration to support the belief that branching out is better than perfecting a single sherlock holmes essay. Aside from insight borrowed from the story, sherlock holmes essay and business theories support diversity as a recipe for success. As a start, branching out is important when there sherlock holmes essay need sherlock holmes essay generate extra income.
People with one talent must put all their efforts into developing it and risk failure if their endowment does not produce financial satisfaction, sherlock holmes essay. Most people explore the depth of their talents for financial gain. Boone in the story The Man with The Twisted Lip, it is evident that the reporter was using his acting talent as a means of generating extra coins Doyle and Macaluso 2. The reporter, one Mr. Neville St, sherlock holmes essay. Clair, had disguised himself as a beggar because he realized that it could earn him more than his salary as a reporter. Having several sources of income provide financial security in hard times when alternative sources fail to produce as expected.
This supports the thesis of the paper that developing more than one talent is better than having only one. Talents are gifts, abilities that are unique to each person. A talent is like an extension of a person. One can have more than one talent and to discover each of them, diversification and practice of the other talents are needed. Boone was good at what he did, and the people who knew him described him as different from the other sherlock holmes essay, in character and appearance. He liked doing this job because it provided more for his family than his actual job. If a sherlock holmes essay is athletic and at one point ends up breaking his legs, there is a high possibility that the person will die poor.
From the story, it is evident that until Mr. Neville ventured into acting like a beggar; he did not know the limits of his acting talent. He would have been stuck as a beggar. Everyone knew him for his witty comments Doyle. Diversification and trying out new hobbies and interests is the best way for one to point out their weaknesses and strengths, sherlock holmes essay. If the main character in the story had stuck to his office job, he would never have known the bound of his acting. Suppose this man Boone had thrust Neville St. He managed to stage a scene faking his death in a few moments notice. In conclusion, everyone is always discouraged to put all their eggs in one basket.
This is to ensure security. Talents are like assets to those sherlock holmes essay possess them. If used properly, most, if not all talents, have the fitness to support a person financially. Developing more than one aptitude means being relevant always. Is as much as the focus will be given to one talent, there is always need to be diverse and develop other talents to increase the chances of survival. An evaluation of the case study shows that Mr. Neville would not have been able to provide for his family he had not turned sherlock holmes essay begging. The amount he made from the act was more than he could ever have made he worked as sherlock holmes essay reporter only.
In as much as the story of the beggar ends with him giving up one of his identities, he was safe because he still had a job as a reporter. Essentially, he had options when he decided to be diverse. His outcome would have been worse had he let go of reporting to pursue begging. Doyle, Arthur Conan, and P. James Macaluso, sherlock holmes essay. The man with the twisted lip. Vol 6. Andrews UK Limited, Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: A Case of Identity. Financial Management Theory and Practice, Essay Example.
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Sherlock: A Cinematic Journey Through Autism
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Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. B Baker Street, is where a well-known detective resides. Sherlock Holmes, born in , started his career as a private eye after college when a colleague’s father inspired him to do so. He worked alone for a number of years employing agents and using informants Mar 04, · Read Sherlock Holmes Essays and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. We can custom-write anything as well! We will write a custom Essay on Sherlock Holmes Films specifically for you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF. Learn More. Although Ritchie has never declared Holmes as gay-rather, he has elaborated “while these guys are sort of in love with each other,” they are “a hetero-sexual couple that at moments could seem gay” (Aumont 46)
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