Nov 26, · Additionally, high school students are given more restrictions because of their parents. But when they go to college, they get to decide on some matters without their parents’ guidance. Because of this freedom, they can decide whether to study or socialize instead. In conclusion, high school and college have similarities but mostly have differences Jan 14, · College vs. High School Essay. One major challenge that I believe I will encounter in college is managing my own time wisely. In high school, my time was always guided by others. My teachers constantly reminded me when assignments were due and Instructed me exactly how to do them difference between highschool and college essay, high school and college comparison, comparing high school and college, benefits of college education essay, high school vs college thesis, high school vs college compare contrast essay, difference between high school and college, college tuition essay Penang LED should make justice in the /5(K)
High School vs. College Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. High School vs. CollegeAfter going to high school for four years, college is definitely a step up. There are similarities, but at the same time more differences. There is still some required classes and homework, but they are different at the same time. In high school, classes are college vs high school essay no larger than 25 students. In many classes, college vs high school essay, it could be even less than that. In college all classes are larger than 35 students, yet most are significantly larger. In general education lecture classes, such as Psychology and management, class sizes can get up college vs high school essay students. Students go into their classes, find a seat in the huge lecture hall, and fade into another face among the silent crowd.
With so many students and so many faces in each class, college professors dont personally get to know their students. A professor wouldnt even notice if a student didnt attend class one day, or if that person was taking that class at all. In big classes, the professor wont even know a students name by the last day of class. In high school, teachers get to know their students on a first and last name basis within at least the first couple of weeks. High School teachers know each students personality, study habits, and grades by the end of each year, college vs high school essay.
Lecture, lecture, lecture, take notes, college vs high school essay, read, and take the test. That pretty much sums up an average college course. You come into the class, find a seat, get out your notebook for notes and listen until the end of class. There are no second chances or re-takes on an exam, like in high school. It is almost impossible to talk professors into giving extra credit for outstanding participation, because chances are they wont remember it. Half credit for the confusing last question you got wrong on the mid-term? Not a chance; it is either all credit or no credit. To avoid confusion, you must study harder next time. In college, theres no more messing around with exhibitions or group projects. Students are tested on what they learned, and thats the end of it.
You know it or you dont. There is a set time which school is in session everyday in high school. For example, a high school could hold classes from 7am to 3pm Monday through Fridays for nine months. There, a student plans his of her schedule around school. In college it is exactly the opposite. A student can take classes whenever they want to. For example, if a student wishes to work from nine to three, college vs high school essay, then they can enroll in classes after three and even night classes if they want. Class times vary form in the morning to at night. A college student can plan their schooling around their schedule. Everyone takes the same classes in high school: Math, English, Science, History, and possibly an Art.
Everyone pretty much has the same set requirements to meet before each year ends. When in college, students can take whatever classes they want. Classes range from Management Information Systems to Human Nutrition, or Weather and Climate. Depending on what one wants to major in, there are many different class options. You can take whatever class you want, when you want. Take your pick. In conclusion, high school and college are two very different worlds of education. College vs high school essay way subjects are taught, the sizes of classes, the schedule of classes, teachers, and courses all vary between college and high school. College is a step up in education; it is a whole new kind of experience.
Its not extremely hard, but you just have to push yourself a little more, and step up your study habits and homework skills. Hi there, would you like to get such an essay? How about receiving a customized one? Check it out goo. Home Page Education School High School College vs. High School Essay. College vs. Get quality help now writer-Molly Verified writer Proficient in: High School. Don't use plagiarized sources Get your custom essay on "College vs. High School ". Related Essays. High School And College Essay Words 3 Pages. College Essay Words college vs high school essay Pages. High School Students on the Job Essay Words 3 Pages. My High School Expectations Essay Words 3 Pages.
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High School You Vs. College You
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Nov 26, · Additionally, high school students are given more restrictions because of their parents. But when they go to college, they get to decide on some matters without their parents’ guidance. Because of this freedom, they can decide whether to study or socialize instead. In conclusion, high school and college have similarities but mostly have differences Jan 14, · College vs. High School Essay. One major challenge that I believe I will encounter in college is managing my own time wisely. In high school, my time was always guided by others. My teachers constantly reminded me when assignments were due and Instructed me exactly how to do them High School vs. College Essay examples. Words3 Pages. High School vs. College A very important part of life is education. In order to acquire a satisfying education, one should complete high school prior to college. College and high school have two different levels of education, but both are trying to further student’s knowledge
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