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Illegal immigrant essay

Illegal immigrant essay

If the black line in… References Rawls, P. Many illegal immigrants are paid much less than Americans because they are willing to work Impact of Illegal Immigration Throughout its history, the United States has been known as the haven for immigrants from all around the world, illegal immigrant essay. Site Accessed August 18, Being An Illegal Immigrant In The Illegal immigrant essay States. A new beginning in the United States gives them an option to be what they want. gudwriter Gudwriter.

Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration Essay Example

Special offer! Promo code: SAVE In this illegal immigration argumentative essay and research paper, we explore the pros and illegal immigrant essay of illegal immigration in regards to local economies within the United States. Civil wars and economic challenges are some of the common factors that push people into moving to other countries in search of peace and financial stability. Illegal immigration into a country could result in both positive and undesirable effects. A brief exploration of the pros and cons of illegal immigration into the United States is provided below. According to research, a high proportion of illegal immigrants who move to the United States comprise of young illegal immigrant essay. People in these age brackets are productive, implying that they engage in a variety of economic undertakings West, For many years, illegal immigrant essay, there has been a misconception that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, but the truth is they all pay taxes through their economic undertakings West, Research shows that most of these workers contribute significantly to the tax revenue but do not benefit from social services such as healthcare and pensions West, Young immigrants are more likely to pay taxes for funding public services.

According to this evidence, illegal immigration contributes to enhancing the economy of illegal immigrant essay United States, illegal immigrant essay. Some of these illegal immigrants eventually become homeowners and are compelled by law to pay taxes just like ordinary Americans. However, there is a small proportion of illegal immigrants who belong to the old age category, and need free healthcare and pensions from the government. However, the government has employed policies to ensure such immigrants do not cripple the United States economy, illegal immigrant essay.

The United States government has implemented social policies that restrain illegal immigrants from participating in food stamps, Medicaid, health insurance programs for children, and government aid for needy illegal immigrant essay West, Illegal immigrants are therefore exempted from all types of welfare services that ordinary Americans have access to. The policies require legal immigrants to contribute towards welfare services for at least ten years before gaining access, illegal immigrant essay. It is also illegal immigrant essay that illegal immigrants play a significant role in increasing the gross domestic product of the United States.

Many of these immigrants contribute to the economy through provision of labor in industries, farms, and other economic sectors Smith, Over the years, illegal immigrant essay, it has been difficult to estimate the contribution of illegal immigrants towards the goods and services produced in the United States each year. The complexity of this economic subject makes it hard to model the financial contribution of illegal immigrants Smith, Thus even though illegal immigrants contribute to a third of population growth in the U, illegal immigrant essay. every year, they contribute economically through purchasing food supplies and homes, paying rent, getting haircuts, and consuming other commercial services.

Further, low-skilled unauthorized immigrant workers make U. wages to experience a downward illegal immigrant essay. A fall in wages both for foreign and native low-skilled workers increases the productivity of businesses as it lowers labor costs, illegal immigrant essay. This earns higher income for employers. In economic terms, this net economic gain in the country is known as the immigration surplus. The productive potential of the hired immigrant workers determines the size of this surplus. Apart from the economic contributions they make, illegal immigrants have several negative implications on the economy of the United States, illegal immigrant essay.

They fear that illegal immigrants take most of the jobs that would have otherwise belonged to ordinary Americans Alangari, Illegal immigrants are as well known to contribute to a reduction in the overall wages by accepting low remunerations in exchange for their labor. Research shows that illegal immigrants indeed contribute to a reduction in payments, and this negatively affects American citizens who have no high school education Alangari, Research shows illegal immigration leads to a 1. According to a variety of research findings, illegal immigration leads to increased rate of joblessness in some industries but not in all. A high proportion of immigrants get employed in service industries such as transportation and loading, and in restaurants, where they are subjected to poor working conditions and low pay Alangari, Therefore, illegal immigration contributes to increased unemployment among American natives with no college or high school education.

As earlier mentioned, the United States government restricts illegal immigrants from accessing welfare services, but this policy does not apply to children. According to the American Constitution, any child born on American soil is an American citizen Alangari, Through this law, children born of illegal immigrants have a different status from their parents, as they are considered legal immigrants. Research illegal immigrant essay more than three-quarters of children who belong to illegal immigrants were born in the U. A study provided an estimate of 4 million immigrant children that had been born in the US, illegal immigrant essay. Such children are allowed access to government aid meant for young American children Alangari, Children education is as well treated differently from other social services, and therefore the law that restricts illegal immigrants from accessing welfare services does not apply in this case.

All children irrespective of whether or not they were born on American soil are allowed access to free education Alangari, The same policy applies to emergency healthcare services, illegal immigrant essay. Illegal immigrant essay individuals irrespective of their citizenship status have access to emergency healthcare services. The cost of educating immigrant children and providing emergency healthcare services to illegal immigrants runs into millions of dollars each year Alangari, Increased costs of such welfare services translate to undesirable economic implications. Illegal immigrants contribute to economic improvement in their destination countries. They pay taxes and consume less of government funded services. They provide cheap labor to industries which translates to low production costs.

They as well contribute to the GDP of their destination countries. However, governments spend money on provision of emergency health care services and educating children of illegal immigrants. In spite of this, the pros of illegal immigration far outweigh its cons. Illegal immigrant essay, A, illegal immigrant essay. The economic impacts of undocumented immigrants in the United States. Hanson, G. The economic logic of illegal illegal immigrant essay. New York, NY: Council on Foreign Relations. The economics and policy of illegal immigration in the United States.

Washington, D. West, D. The costs and benefits of immigration. Political Science Quarterlyillegal immigrant essay, 3 Thesis: Illegal immigration in a country may result in both positive and negative implications. The United States government spends lots of funds in educating children born of illegal immigrants and providing emergency healthcare services. They pay taxes and consume less of government-funded services. Governments spend money on the provision of emergency health care services and educating children of illegal immigrants. The pros of unlawful immigration outweigh its cons.

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S citizen for a marriage licence. Then she would organize a ceremony, celebration, and they help the couple appear as if the relationship was real. She would falsify documents and then mail it to USCIS for the applicant and also a false lease to show that the couple lives together. They figured out all of this by sending an undercover agent. The American dream is so important to immigrants that they are willing to compose a fraud. The reason why I say it in the past tense is because this dream has slowly died, due to the changes of government, low income tax, and less opportunities because of immigration. So If the dream has slowly died, why do immigrants continue to come illegally to this country?

Although these three major factors might seem like a deal breaker to these people, it is still not enough to convince them not to risk their lives coming to the United States. Their economic state in their original country constantly changes for the worst, therefore they still seek better economy in the United States, which causes them to migrate here. By having a better economy, it helps to have a better lifestyle. In Mexico they are living on a pay of less than 2 dollars per day, which means that 53 percent of the country is poor, and 25 percent is extremely poor, making less than a dollar a day. Children are the future, families bring them over for better opportunities.

They hope for a better education than their home country. This means that they must cook, clean, and serve their husbands. A new beginning in the United States gives them an option to be what they want. For example, kids in Mexico work at an early age to help with the bills that must be paid. Why do people risk their lives and decide to hide from the law just for an opportunity to be in this country? There is a story about this woman, Adelita, who wanted to escape her family drug cartel. She used to live in an area where drugs and death happened frequently.

Although her life become less stressful , she now has to fear the law since she and her husband are both here illegally. Carmen was a baby when she came from Central America with her parents. They were trying to escape the war that was happening in their country. She now hopes to give back and become an ESL teacher to help students with the transition to foreign countries with a language barrier. Most of these illegal immigrants are trying to make a better living. They are only trying to help the community and give back to those who have helped them get there. In fact, most of the terrorism attacks are mostlty caused by Americans themselves. So Should people be really concerned if they meet an illegal immigrant? Should they be concerned if they work with one? They look for the same opportunities as every hard-working person does.

For illegal immigrants, it is important to gain legal status because they can file for help from the government. This means that they will no longer have to run from the law. Is it possible to become legal in the United States even if you came here illegally? Yes, there is a possibility that you are eligible to become legal in the United States, and there are different options as to how you can. One would be to join the army. Through this, you will be serving the country and the government will grant you eligibility to apply to be a U. S Citizen. As we have talked about before, illegal immigrants turn to marriage To also obtain legal citizenship in the U. This means that the immigrant could avoid removal in the country. They can also turn to this when they can prove that their removal from this country will not benefit their spouse or children, and they have been already introduced to the government in the past ten years.

They will have to prove that they are good people. Asylums are mostly seeked by illegal immigrants, when they need a place to stay. They allow you to stay in for 18 months, and grant a work permit. This would help illegal immigrants be safe from wars and the low economy crisis back in their countries. They just want equality and help for new beginnings. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student.

This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Being an Illegal Immigrant in The United States Subject: Social Issues Category: Immigration Topic: Illegal Immigration Pages 5 Words: Published: 25 October Downloads: 33 Download Print. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Being An Illegal Immigrant In The United States.

Being An Illegal Immigrant In The United States. Being An Illegal Immigrant In The United States [Internet]. Order Now. Please check your inbox. Order now. Related Topics Multiculturalism Essays Pro Choice Abortion Essays Discrimination Essays Islamophobia Essays Oppression Essays. Hi there! Arizona State. This law is currently the widest and most stringent anti-illegal immigration in recent American history CNN, This law has acquired considerable local and also global criticism and it has prompted extensive debate Nowicki, United States federal legislation requires all non-citizens older than 14 who reside in the country for more than thirty days to register with the Federal government.

Furthermore, they are required to hold and possess registration papers all the time. The Arizona Act, furthermore, makes it an Arizona misdemeanour offence for a non-citizen to be residing in Arizona without possessing the necessary documents. References Archibold, R. The New York Times: p. Archibold, R. Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration. html Archibold, R. And Thee-Brenan, M. Poll Shows Most in U. Want Overhaul of Immigration Laws. html Blanton, D. Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on Immigration. Fox News. Proponents advanced that both legal and illegal immigration to California was a concrete and hard reality, which neither legislation nor strict controls could blot out.

They envisioned a menial, lowly paid workforce, a source of cheap labor, on which the State would depend. They also held that opponents were racially motivated and too harsh towards non-whites who wanted to flee from poverty and despair. On the other hand, those who opposed illegal immigration blamed it for the country's shortage of social services, which illegal immigrants shared with citizens. These opponents argued that providing healthcare and welfare to these illegal immigrants necessarily infringed the law and made illegal behavior acceptable and legitimate. They denied that their support for legislations, such as Proposition , was racially motivated IGS. More Arguments for and Against the same vigor and frustration characterized the struggle for driver's licenses in Illinois but which failed to get the….

Bibliography Adamson, Erik. Temporary Driver's Licenses Sought for Undocumented Immigrants. Topeka Capital-Journal: ProQuest Information and Learning Company, January 6, Bender, Kristin. Undocumented Immigrants Aim to Jump-Start Licenses Bill. Oakland Tribune: ANG Newspapers, August 10, Bulkeley, Deborah. Senate OKs Driving Permit for Immigrants. Deseret News Salt Lake City : Deseret News Publishing Company, February 22, Counts, Laura. Illegal Immigrants Make Final Push for Driver's Licenses. Oakland Tribune: ANG Newspapers, August 27, Education for Immigrant Children The Importance of Education The Immigrant Issue The story of America as seen and known today has been built by immigrants. In fact, the motto of America is that it is a nation of immigrants.

Yet many camps within today's society either look down on or fight against immigration. This is because illegal immigration from Central and Southern American nations have affected the way in which America works, and not always in a positive way. Though these individuals are not the only illegal immigrants in this country, they make up a very large population and, for this reason, many have found ways in which to attack this group of immigrants. Needless to say, this is a very 'hot' issue, and this is one of the reasons why it must be discussed and analyzed from an objective standpoint. One of the one hand, this paper will provide…. Works Cited Barnes, E. Illegal Immigration Costs U.

Retrieved February 4, , from. Brennan, J. Plyler v. Legal Information Institute. Griffee, S. Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Entitled to a Public Education? New York Times. Illegal Immigration. Immigration Support. Therefore, the state is daily loosing important revenue that could help improve the financial situation of different Departments such as health care, social services, and even immigration policies. However, without this source of money, the federal budget would be forced to allocate funds from other destinations. Thirdly, there is also the issue of workers' rights. In this sense, it is a rather well-known fact the idea that illegal workers are often exploited by employers by giving them wages that are below the normal tariffs.

However, the inclusion of illegal workers as legal immigrants would grant them the rights each worker in the United States has. More precisely, "in past decades, labor unions often saw immigrant workers as the enemy, accusing them of depressing wages and breaking strikes. ut the executive council of the AFL-CIO adopted a more sympathetic approach, contending that too often U. immigration rules have enabled employers to…. Bibliography Coalition for the future American worker. An Amnesty by Any Other Name is Still an Amnesty. htm Greenhouse, Steven. htm Isidore, Chris. Skilled worker shortage hurts U. Employers would be hiring more if they could just find the skilled workers they need. hile they may be looking to become citizens, they must watch out for individuals from all sides that might be out to get them.

A story in the Aspen Daily News focuses on a small and growing Mexican community in Basalt, Colorado. A mobile home park, it is what the paper refers to as an "epicenter" Travers News of the growing Hispanic community. The article interviews Jose, an immigrant with three children. Jose ended up in Basalt because he heard there were many job opportunities there. hile Jose does not have papers, he does pay taxes. He is proud of being a good citizen and the threat of "being deported by Immigration authorities is worth the benefits my family is reaping here" Travers. Parts of those benefits include a close-knit community. The community is not without tensions, however. Not long ago,…. Works Cited Travers, Andrew. Site Accessed August 18, Today, those workers and millions more are being supported by many politicians in the quest to gain legal status and if that legal status is gained the unionization of those workers will be extremely powerful.

Why has the growth of Hispanics' union membership failed even to keep pace with their employment growth and thereby depressed their union density? ecent research on Hispanic employment issues suggests that factors like immigration status, duration of U. residence, English-language skills, and nationality may be important parts of any explanation Defreitas, The strength will be gained because…. Power Lunch Food Processing. Many peoples' lives, destinies, and hopes for the future, and not only American ones, depend and will depend in the future on this taking place sooner rather than later, and now more than ever before in America's history. orks Cited Illegal Immigration.

Flores, illiam V. Morgan, Edmund S. The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John inthrop. New York: Longman 2nd Edition, November 20, Snyder, Tanya. Young Migrants Risk All to Reach U. Works Cited Illegal Immigration. Flores, William V. For example a study in had found that illegal aliens were contributing more to the economy than the state was spending on them. Cited in LeMay, ed. Some studies feel that illegal aliens contribute very little considering the fact that they are usually employed in low paying jobs. Economists have consistently argued back and forth as to whether or not illegal immigrants are actually driving down wages and making working conditions even worse.

Some economist saw it from a different angle. They felt that some employers need to fill the low wage niche as they need to make some profit too and this niche can only be filled by illegal aliens who are willing to work at very low wages. If it had not been for those immigrants, some small firms would go out of business. References Muller and Espanshade , ; LeMay , ; and Stanley Lieberson, a Piece of the Pie Berkeley, Calif. LeMay Michael. The Struggle for Influence. Lanham, Md. Illegal and often even legal immigrants are all too often looked upon in the these days as parasites with dark skin, too many children and no desire to learn English, as people who will come and take away jobs from "real" Americans. Such stereotypes about immigrants have been responsible for anti-immigration passed recently, such as the passage in California of Proposition , which was based on the assumption that illegal immigrants are an overall drawn on the economy, not only taking away jobs from U.

citizens gut drawing from the public coffers more in social services than they return in the form of taxes paid. However, this has been found not to be the case Scheer, , p. However, even if immigrants did cost the country a substantial amount in terms of social services, which they do not, they would still make immeasurable contributions to our culture, giving a…. Expecting the American voters to decide what is the best way to handle the situation under such circumstances is obviously unreasonable. Advocates on both side of the issue predict dramatic change if the illegal immigration situation would suddenly change. Opponents claim that curtailing illegal immigration would result in a rise in wages for other America workers.

Proponents claim that the loss of illegal immigrants would stall the United States economy. Unfortunately, the answer is far more complex and involves more than just examining the issue from a dollar and cents viewpoint. The issue must be examined through the eyes of public policy. It must be studied by deciding what is fair and what is best for everyone concerned. Hopefully this approach will be adopted soon and a reasonable solution will be found. ibliography Anderson,. The Immigration Debate: Its Impact on Workers, Wages and Employers. Knowledge Wharton, 4. Bibliography Anderson, B. Briggs, Jr. Vernon M. Employer sanctions and the question of discrimination: The GAO study in perspective.

The International Migration Review, Camarota, S. Does Immigration Harm the Poor? The Public Interest. Card, D. How Immigration Affects U. Unraveling the Urban Enigma: City Prospects, City Policies pp. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania. Abstract This illegal immigration essay example provides an examination of all the different parts of a paper of this type that you will need to know when writing your own. Finally, this article provides a conclusion and a list of possible resources you could use for more information. Related Topics Build the Wall…. There are several things that can be done by an individual if an employee is witnessing discrimination, whether it be because of religion, race, national origin, gender, gender identity, or because of the age of a worker.

If the discrimination is being conducted by another worker, clearly this should be reported to management. It would not be my place to go to the perpetrator and try to stop him. Hence, I should inform the union representative, or the appropriate manager at work. Of course there is the risk that if I report that rude person for bullying another worker, or for making detrimental comments to that person, when the perpetrator finds out it was me I would be taking the risk of retaliation from that person. Still, it is…. If the foundations of the NLA are to be supported, the illegal worker will need to be provided with the complete display of NLA solutions.

With that said, the tension still remains. With numbers progressively going up each year, a lot have started asking why. They want to know where are the immigrants coming from and why are there so many of them that are allowed to come into the nation. Statistics show that more than half of the Mexicans that are living in the U. In the year were illegitimate odriguez, By , References: Foreign sourcing decisions under the duty to bargain under the nlra. The International Executive Pre , 15 1 , Abraham, S. The supervisory exclusion under the NLRA: Has the Supreme Court gone too far? Working USA, 6 1 , Cimini, C. Ask, don't tell: Ethical issues surrounding undocumented workers' status in employment litigation. Stanford Law Review, 61 2 , Delaney, J.

The NLRA at fifty: A research appraisal and agenda. Officials in border states see the matter as far more than a scholarly legal debate. Pam Slater, a San Diego County supervisor, called the current system "a travesty" that is bankrupting state and local governments. An offer of financial support to children born in the United States is far too great a lure," she said. While federal and state law prohibits the collecting of information that would specifically target Hispanic children as the problem behind low test scores, one might conclude that for some school districts the language barrier might contribute to those low test scores. However, while we cannot…. References Enforcing Immigration Laws. The Washington Times, p. Illegal Alphabets and Adult Biliteracy: Latino Migrants Crossing the Linguistic Border.

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Immigration Nation of Immigrants America is sometimes referred to as a "nation of immigrants" because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners who pursuing their vision of the American Dream. Recently, there has been a clamor by some politicians and citizens toward creating predominantly closed-door policy on immigration, arguing that immigrants threaten American life by creating unemployment, taking jobs from American workers, using much-needed social security services, and encroaching on the American way of life. hile these statements seem valid for many, they are almost overwhelmingly false, and more than likely confused with the subject of illegal immigration.

Immigrants actually enhance American life by creating, not taking jobs, bolster social service funds through tax payment, and bringing valuable technical knowledge and skills to our country. Discussion Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration is defined as the trespassing across the national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the…. Works Cited Farrell, Chris. Innovation -- and Job Growth. July 19, March 29, Messerli, Joe. May, 18 immigration to the U. nd focuses on Charlotte North Carolina. The reader is given an foundational understanding of the INS and how it operates as well as information about immigrants in the Charlotte area, both documented and non-documented. There were four sources used to complete this paper.

INS the Immigrant Police WHT IS THE INS? The letters INS stand for Immigration and Naturalization Services. Its purpose is to document and legalize immigrants who come migrate to other nations to live and to work. The INS started in the 's when the government decided that merica had a policy of immigration that was to free and to open fter certain states passed immigration laws following the Civil War, the Supreme Court in declared that regulation of immigration is a Federal responsibility. Thus, as the number of immigrants rose in the s and economic conditions in some areas worsened, Congress began….

Scores of illegal Latin Americans work in the hospitality industry, construction, meatpacking, agriculture, and landscaping sectors. In fact, in some of the states it is said that almost half of the construction workers are from Latin America. There are arguments that if all these illegal immigrants were removed these jobs would improve the unemployment situation for the American citizens. It is also generally argued that the pay scale for low skilled jobs would also increase. Also, most of the illegal aliens utilize healthcare, education and other services without paying taxes causing significant drain for the government.

The above points are clearly valid but there are both positive and negative effects of illegal immigration. Economists feel that totally eliminating illegal workers would only marginally improve the pay scale for high school dropouts and would not have any significant impact for workers with higher qualifications. Furthermore, illegal immigration contributes positively as Americans…. Bibliography 1 Michael Barone, 'Living with Illegals', U. News and World Report, April 3rd Illegal Immigration Slowing or stopping the flow of immigrants across the U. Mexico border has remained a hot political issue for several decades. border Ellis, By the end of only miles had been completed. In the Secure Border Initiative awarded a billion dollar contract to Boeing to build a virtual fence along the border and by the end of last year only 53 miles had been completed.

The past…. References Coleman, Matthew. Between public policy and foreign policy: U. immigration law reform and the undocumented migrant. Urban Geography, 29, Ellis, Ashton. Border fence update: Governing elites use promises to ease resistance for illegal immigrants' amnesty. Texas Insider. Retrieved Oct. Priming the sleeping giant: The dynamics of Latino political identity and vote choice. Political Psychology, 32, PEW Hispanic Center. The Mexican-American Boom: Births overtake immigration. Pat Mora -- "Curandera" and "Immigrants" -- are quite different and yet they both express the what it's like to be Latina and they detail experiences that are unique to Latinas in America.

In the poem, the curandera has bonded and her life has progressed with and is dependent upon nature -- the desert -- even though she lost her husband. Her craft is about healing, and the relationship to nature is powerfully presented around the theme of healing with folk medicine. But the coyote and owl, too, do the same…. Works Cited Mora, Pat. Weber State University. Mora, Pat. Southwest Crossroads. Pinero, Miguel. A Lower Eastside Poem. All Poetry. New York City Hard Times Blues. MP3 Skull. Retrieved May 19, The economic divide is of primary concern because it has become a point of embittered debate. The average French citizen makes ten times that of the average North African immigrant. Industries such as hospitality and retail are almost completely closed to all North African immigrants, and channels of traditional education are much harder to break into for the immigrant class.

All of this contributes to how much the North African immigrant class has suffered economically. In addition to the socio-economic factors that institutionally affect immigrant integration, political participation plays an enormous role as well. Although the French government has an extremely strong democratic system, there are no MPs within congress who is of North African dissent. France's political system has done little other than fluff to attempt to integrate the North African immigrant class into mainstream society. From the educational perspective, North African demographics receive less educational funding and secondary…. Race, Class, and the Immigrant Experience Introduction Jose Angel N. Though the author earns upward economic and social mobility by doggedly pursuing education, his life is characterized by a shaky personal and legal limbo which serves to eclipse his occupational and academic successes.

In the end, the book might best function as a fine accompaniment to other undocumented migrant-related researches and literature for scholarly audiences Emily The writer bravely tackles a few stereotypes specific to Mexican migrants, in a candid and personal manner. Migrant stereotypes have remained a grave issue, whether…. Unless the physicians can succinctly argue their case for care and services, the managed care entity will, for reasons of medical necessity, deny access to care and services. What Cost-Added atio Based on Illegal Immigrant Population? The argument by opponents that loopholes exist that would allow illegal immigrants to access Obama's proposed legislation on healthcare services is rendered moot in lieu of the fact that those illegal immigrants are currently receiving healthcare services Medicaid and through Immigration and Naturalization Services INS.

The Federal eimbursement of Emergency Health Services Furnished to Undocumented Aliens states: "Section of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act MMA P. Reference List Birenbaum, A. Managed Care: Made in America, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT. Birenbaum, A. Wounded Profession: American Medicine Enters the Age of Managed Care, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Uninsured Americans: Newly. Further the illegal aliens in the country are more than one quarter of the country's population.

The controversy is mostly on illegal immigration, with over 11 million illegal residents in the U. Over 7 million legal migrants are recruited into important professional specialties. They also bring their relatives in, as in the case of Indians. Swain, 16 Though the Indian government does not give any special status to immigrants to the U. from India, there has been a spurt of immigrants from India to the Silicon Valley -- California. These immigrants are mostly selected for special skills and there are other immigrants who fill positions in services like nursing and doctors.

The immigrants from India are mostly centered at Silicon Valley, the hub of computing and inventions. This is because immigrants from India come from some of the biggest and best electronics and engineering schools from India notably the IIT. References Hardin, Garrett. The ostrich factor [electronic resource]: Our population myopia. Oxford University Press: New York, Parekh, Bhikhu C; Singh, Gurharpal; Vertovec, Steven. Culture and Economy in the Indian Diaspora: Transnationalism. The recent trend in international law and state practice has shown that in today's mobile world, the incidents of dual citizenships are only going to increase. It is felt that banning it in the United States will only continue a faulty notion, because if other countries are willing to issue passports there is nothing that can be done about it.

Another question that seems to get a lot of discussion is that of whether Americans are doing enough to ease the transition of new immigrants into our society. It appears that several things are being done across the country to ease the transition of the new immigrants. In the hotel industry, Marriott has done their part by offering…. Works Cited Clark, Charles S. The advent of World War II saw and end of the period of economic turmoil and massive unemployment known as the Great Depression, and thus was a time of increased opportunity for many of the nation's citizens and immigrants, but the experiences of some groups during and following the war were far less positive than others. Some of this was due to the different histories that different immigrant groups had in the country, as well as the different roles that various nations played in the war itself, but often the source for the treatment of different ethnic groups was all too similar and all too simple -- racism and ethnocentrism that made the white Americans "true" citizens while others were labeled as outsiders, and those that didn't belong.

The Japanese suffered the worst during World War II; even families that had been in the country for generations and many decades…. References Library of Congress. html Morgan, T. html Takaki, R. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America Rev. Boston: Little Brown Company. Vogel, R. conquest and exploitation of the Mexican people. Immigrants and Discrimination DuBois, in his "The Conservation of the Races" described racial prejudice as "the friction between different groups of people. Considering that the United States of America is a country founded by immigrants, populated by immigrants, and built by immigrants, from a variety of nations, it is no wonder that the history of America is filled with incidents of racial prejudice and intolerance.

Not only is there the friction between different groups of immigrants coming to America, but also between immigrants in general and those considered "natural-born" Americans. Natural-born Americans are those persons who ancestors were immigrants, but now enjoy the privileges of calling themselves "natural-born" Americans. Dubois wrote his book in the late 's,…. Works Cited Borjas, George. Web 16 May pdf Cristancho, Sergio, et al. Illegal immigration has been a problem in large countries like the United States that border on other countries where the standard of living is significantly lower such as the case of the United States and Mexico.

People find these relatively unprotected borders easy to transverse and are motivated to do so by the promise of a better life for them and their families. When large numbers of people legally immigrate to another country barriers are created between the immigrants…. References Boneva, B. Toward a concept of a migrant personality. Journal of Social Issues, 57 3 , Hoeing, J. Immigration benefits America. In Capitaistpig. Ngai, M. Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America:. any of these newer immigrant gained legal status as U.

citizens through back or side doors, such as entering the country with a temporary visa and then applying for citizenship, or even seeking citizenship after living as an illegal immigrant for some years. Such side-door entry has had a significant impact not only on the number of immigrants made citizens each year, but also on the ability of these immigrants to adequately provide for themselves and their families without depending on federal assistance. This has inextricably tied the issue of immigration to that of…. Martin and Midgley do not really present an argument in their paper, but rather an overview of the current immigration situation. The same is largely true of Currie's article concerning Medicaid Both of these articles detail the complexities ofteh problems this country is facing, but fail to provide any sense of appropriate direction.

Martin and Midgley especially merely detail the trends that have been observed in immigration, without offering any real solutions on how to deal with the ongoing immigration explosion. In suggesting that we could be experiencing a historical immigration peak before dipping into the trough the follows, the authors reaffirm their own conclusions without providing any immediately useful value judgments. The converse, however -- that is, behaving as though this were not a peak but simply a new trend in immigration -- renders the rest of their historical argument moot.

Currie provides somewhat more useful exploration and analysis of the conclusions he draws from his hard data. Yet while clearly suggesting that Medicaid reform is necessary in regards to immigrants, if only to make the program more equitable across regional, familial, and ethnic lines, he fails to note the added costs of medical care for children and other immigrants who are either not eligible for or are not receiving Medicaid benefits. There is a brief mention in the editor's note of emergency costs outstripping preventative care, but more in depth explanations and analyses are needed to make this argument logically viable which it certainly is. The shorter articles that comprise this reading deal with specific areas of the immigration aid issue in similarly quantitative ways, while rarely mentioning the qualitative aspects or making recommendations.

The logic used is impeccable, but the scant number of real conclusions drawn in these articles does not make this especially impressive. For instance, while Ku and Capps et al. The same is true of Ruby's article concerning the need to ensure success for children in the early years of formal schooling. Few would argue that things like health insurance and adequate education are less beneficial or necessary to immigrants than they are to U. citizens; the questions is who ought to -- and who is wiling to -- pay for these things. This country has always had an interesting relationship with the concept of taxation, and this issue lies at the heart of the matter. social issue that I want to discuss is that of illegal immigration, particularly where it pertains to families.

Undocumented migrants face numerous social and legal challenges in America, but first and foremost they are human beings, and they are only here to seek a better life. Yet, the conditions under which they come are often trying. Many are virtual slaves, others struggle with the lack of access to public services, housing, and employment. In many instances there are children involved. There is also an element of social advocacy with respect to this issue --one need not look any further than protests in the past year or two in border states that targeted undocumented children to see how vulnerable this population is. Politically, the issue of undocumented immigrants might be highly-charged, but for the field of social work it is a human issue.

These are people, after all, and the challenges…. References Cleaveland, C. We are not criminals: Social work advocacy and unauthorized migrants. Social Work. Furman, R. The criminalization of immigration: Value conflicts for the social work profession. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. United States of America Anti-Immigrant Orders In the recent times, the public has been regularly discussing about The United States immigration law. This law which is meant to rule over the movement of immigrants into a country that only belongs to God has been put in the public eye, as a result of the amendments which have been added to it especially after the current administration of Donald Trump was incepted. This law has been taken as biased and unjust by analysts and other stakeholders because it is associated with religious and racial undertones.

As he strove towards eliminating terrorists from other countries in USA, the president has developed multiple executive bills on immigration. These orders inclusive of the one about border…. Horror stories became a reason to avoid emigrating to the United States, but both legal and illegal immigration from China to America continued to rise during this decade. This, coupled with an immigration policy that many still view as restrictive of Chinese immigration though on amore subtle and therefore more insidious level than the previous…. References Au, C. How migration restrictions limit agglomeration and productivity in China.

Chen, E. Encyclopedia of Asian-American Issues Today, Volume 1. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Chin, K. Smuggled Chinese: Clandestine immigration to the United States. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Kyle, D. Global human smuggling: Comparative perspectives. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. emaining workers will get jobs at higher than equilibrium wage, the Supply curve shifts to the left, and wage and output stabilize until something else changes like input cost or legislation. Were firms able to hire workers at less than minimum wage, say like in Figure 4, where the cost of paying illegals including the enforcement cost results in lower demand for legal minimum wage workers, the result would be a total average cost between the two supply lines, increased outcome for the firm, at less than average minimum wage cost.

The new Alabama law seems to attempt to drive off the black line "illegals" by mandating stiffer enforcement for services and privileges like business or auto licenses, awls explains. This creates an interesting distribution of costs if firms derive profit, but the cost of enforcement is being pushed onto others not employing illegals. If the black line in…. References Rawls, P. GOP leaders have 2nd thoughts on immigration. The Associated Press, 8 Dec. Search and Rescue is the search that is done to provide aid to the people who are feeling distressed or any sort of obvious danger. The general field of SAR encompasses many sub-fields that are generally acknowledged by the sort of terrain over which the search has been conducted. The types of terrain include ground search and rescue, which also includes the use of dogs for search and rescue.

This is a kind of search and rescue that is done in the urban settings. Other kinds include the mountain rescue, combat search and rescue that is done on the battlefield and finally the air-sea rescue that is done over water. In this paper, particular importance will be given with respect to the last kind of SAR. In Malta, the responsibility of SAR pertaining to search and rescue comes under the Armed Forces of Malta. This is conducted by the maritime…. Bibliography Arteaga, Felix State-of-the-art Operations: The Canary Islands Regional Coordination Centre Centro de Coordinacion Regional de Canarias -- CCRC.

MaltaMedia News. January Minister of Public Works and Government Services. Search and Rescue Training Centre - Armed Forces of Malta citizenship Bloemraad Given the ongoing need for qualified recruits by the U. armed forces, it just makes sense to determine the extent of enlistment in the armed forces by immigrants to identify their personal reasons for doing so. To the extent that these reasons are directly related to their desire to obtain American citizenship rather than a sense of patriotic responsibilities is the extent to which military service may represent a viable alternative to more time-consuming, expensive and complication naturalization procedures.

It is important, though, to ensure that these immigrant recruits are provided with accurate information concerning how military service will affect their naturalization status and efforts to secure ultimate citizenship. Rationale of Study Military recruiters typically experience increases in enlistments during periods of economic downturn because of limited employment opportunities elsewhere in the private sector. Nevertheless, recruiting adequate numbers of high-quality and motivated service members is more…. Works Cited Anbinder, Tyler, Immigrants and the Federal Conscription of Black's Law Dictionary.

Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. Bloemraad, Irene, Immigration The author of this report is asked to watch, summarize and assess the implications and points made by the documentary titled The Other Side of Immigration by Roy Germano. In addition to that, the author is asked to offer opinions and analysis of whether or how reform in the United States should be structured, how the a guest worker program should be structured, what is slowing down immigration reform in ashington and whether there is a negative impact caused by illegal immigration in the United States. Lastly, the author will point to the portrayal of the immigrants in the movie and whether there is a bias involved with the documentary. Review of Film In watching the film, the basic premise and summary of the film is that the illegal or even legal immigrants from Mexico and the struggle they face as well as the reasons why the keep trying….

Works Cited Foley, Elise. html accessed October 8, Murray, Shailagh, and Lori Montgomery. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post.

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