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Effects of alcoholism essay

Effects of alcoholism essay

This increased the risk of alcohol dependence among such individuals. By the time people came to save him, he died. It takes away the life of a person and the lives of those who are around. The pregnancy issues that arise when a sip is taken is atrocious. Causes of Alcoholism. Problem drinking can damage your effects of alcoholism essay stability, finances, effects of alcoholism essay, career, and your ability to build and sustain satisfying…. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services.

Effects of Alcoholism Essay Outline

Overuse or too much of effects of alcoholism essay is not good. Addiction towards any single things will put us into trouble. We might have to face a lot of problems. It will not be easy to come out of such a situation. One has to give their full spirit in order effects of alcoholism essay be free from those problems. This overuse and addiction can be with drugs, alcohol, video games, food and many other things. We have effects of alcoholism essay that when effects of alcoholism essay overuse any form of drugs, it harms them.

The same thing happens with alcohol as well. In the starting effects of alcoholism essay might not realize what will excessive consumption of alcohol would do them. Sometimes no matter how much the alcohol is destroying them in different ways, people do not stop drinking it. When they over use it or rather it can be called alcohol abuse, it is known as alcoholism. When there is overuse of alcohol that state is known as alcoholism. This happens when the limit is crossed. In this state people are not able to control their drinking. Sometimes it becomes a sort of disorder, effects of alcoholism essay.

People should learn to take alcohol in limit. Otherwise there can be many health problems due to alcohol abuse. Even though consuming alcohol out of limit can cause harm, people have many common reasons to drink alcohol. Most of the time people consume to be free from stress. They get stressed due to work pressure, problems with family, friends or partner. In order to come out of that stress people prefer drinking alcohol because it gives them relief. They start to feel good after drinking alcohol.

At that point of time they are not bothered by any of the problems they are facing. Drinking alcohol is like a break for them from these problems. Sometimes people are very depressed or they are facing a lot of effects of alcoholism essay problems. At such times they drink alcohol so that they are able to forget all the depressive things and be free from effects of alcoholism essay sorts of emotional problems. Alcohol has also become a part of any type of celebrations among the adults. In some of the societies, people drink alcohol so that they are able to gel with others and become popular among them.

In India different states have different legal age for drinking. Some have 18 while some have But still the underage youth go to various places and drink alcohol even though it is illegal for them. In Karnataka, some bars and restaurants have legal age as 18 while some have These ones strictly ask the customers for identity proof. But some of the places allow everyone and they do not check any identity proofs. There have been times when some of the friends in a group would be underage. During such situations they would quietly drink from the friends who were legal to drink alcohol. One should know to control on their drinking habits. If a person drinks more than the limit, one can face alcoholism.

There are many signs and symptoms by which people can know that they are facing alcoholism. Even if one is trying to drink less, they are failing to do that. They are unable to control from drinking. They start to give more importance to alcohol and ignoring other work and responsibilities. One does not have focus on anything else. They do not effects of alcoholism essay like doing any other work. They will always feel like drinking. When they are not drinking, they carve to drink alcohol. Major expenditure is done to buy alcohol. People are not able to control their behaviour during this state, effects of alcoholism essay.

All of us know that consumption of alcohol can harm our body. But there are many who do not know about it effects of alcoholism essay they consume alcohol excessively. We have to face a lot of health problems when we drink a lot. There can be problems in the digestive system which will lead to complications during the later stage. Our stools will not be proper. We may vomit a lot at this time. We can have high blood pressure, too much sweating. Our liver can get destroyed due to excessive consumption of alcohol. Liver helps to remove the harmful things from the body. When there is large content of alcohol in our body, the liver will not be able to do its function anymore. Further, there will be many diseases of liver which is very dangerous. As the liver will not be functioning properly, the sugar level in our body will reduce.

The reduction of sugar level in the body will further result in more complications. It is not only liver which will not be able to function properly but even the lungs and heart will have problems in their proper functioning. There may be many heart problems. One has chances of getting cancer too. Alcohol affects our brain largely. This is the reason when a person is intoxicated from alcohol they are unable to speak properly. This is because the brain is not able to connect with the other parts of body. At such times we do not think properly and take decisions which we would not take when we are in full senses.

There are also chances that this can also lead to damage of the brain. It is not safe for pregnant women to drink alcohol because it effects of alcoholism essay be harmful for the baby. There will be problems with the pregnancy due to consumption of alcohol. Too much drinking can make our immune system weak. We will not be able to fight against any sort of sickness, effects of alcoholism essay. Alcoholism can be treated but it will take time. First of all when a person is trying to be away from alcohol, we should support them. We must help them in freeing them from alcoholism, effects of alcoholism essay. We should not discourage or demoralize them when they are trying to stop drinking alcohol, effects of alcoholism essay.

This will make them lose their confidence and may also become weak. We should never be afraid from any person who is suffering alcoholism. We should always try to help them. There are treatments which can help people to go away from alcohol. After this treatment people will learn to say no to alcohol. If any of the treatment does not work then one can go for counseling. Alcoholism in the first stage will not be so difficult. But a person who has gone to the extremes and has almost destroyed his life. It will be extremely difficult to bring them back to normal. Once there was an old man in a village. He had five children, effects of alcoholism essay.

Out these five, four of them were boys and one girl. The old man lost his life after the birth of the fourth and fifth child who were twins. From then he had to take care of them. They belonged to a very poor family. There were two eldest sons, then the daughter and after that the two twins. The youngest ones were very small. Despite of their poor economic condition, effects of alcoholism essay would manage to survive by working and taking loan from other villagers, effects of alcoholism essay. But the old man was always spending the money in drinking. He used to drink so much that he had become too weak to work.

Whatever money he would get from work he spent all of them in drinking. He never contributed in the family earnings.

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These destructive processes, which occur inside the organism, cause irreparable damage that it made on the genetic level. Heavy abuse, causing disorders has nowadays become unbelievably widespread. All this changes throughout the period the development of the alcohol dependency cause mental disabilities and severe changes in the human body. Very often it is said that alcohol heavy drinkers look the same. This happens because in the first place all of them experience problems with their skin. This is the reason people who drink alcohol have a flushed skin color and constantly feel that they are hot. Alcohol also often causes serious weight problem.

As a fact, alcohol prevents people from consuming healthy food on a regular basis and it direct influences the heart of a drinker. This is one of the primary reasons why people who prefer to drink alcohol can experience a heart failure. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper Another part of the body that is directly damaged by alcohol is the liver. When alcohol get to the blood of a person rather often, the blood in its turn damages the process of functioning of the liver cells and some of them start dying. The majority of people do not keep in mind the fact that even a one-time alcohol abuse makes the liver cells die, but it is the body of the person, who is not an alcohol heavy drinker, still has time to recuperate from the damage.

In case the person drinks alcohol on a regular base the liver becomes weaker and weaker from day to day. One other important physical sphere that is seriously damaged is the reproductive system of a human body. Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body Essay Paper The reason of this type of dysfunction is that alcohol deprives the impulses that the nerves pass, and especially those that cause ability to erect, as for men. Women alcohol abuse it on of the first to be prevented as the fetus changes negatively and a lot of disabled children are born into to the world.

Females metabolize alcohol very quickly and this is the primary cause of their necessity to abstain from alcohol. The fetus is already in high danger of obtaining FAS if the pregnant female consumes around 3 ounces of pure alcohol per day1[1]. Alcohol may cause spasm of placenta vessels and the umbilical cord. As the amount of zinc in the cells is rapidly reduced their growth and development is damaged. In its turn, the mutation of DNA in the fetus cells leads to pathologies of the development of different organs and tissues [6]. The taste and smell are lost and the speech becomes unclear.

As alcohol constantly burns the throat of the drinker in may result in severe pain, vomiting and even cancer. The body itself starts being very weak, the muscles suffer from atrophy, pain and spasms. If a person constantly abuses alcohol it will eventually lead to a set of permanent transformations in the brain morphology. One of the most significant transformations concerns the reduction of the total amount of brain tissue and the growing size of the ventricles. The basic reason the body stops being able to produce brain tissue to cope with the chemical is because it lacks natural vitamins that a healthy body produces. Secondly, it analyzes the advanced stage of alcohol abuse which is alcohol addiction.

The problems encountered by an alcoholic and the symptoms are listed to act as guidelines when analyzing an alcohol dependent individual. The psychological implications of excessive consumptions of alcohol are discussed and it is advised that if people must engage in drinking, they should only do so in small amounts. The paper also reviews the differences in alcohol disintegration in women from men and how it may lead to medical conditions. Liver diseases are thoroughly reviewed since they are the most common and life threatening medical conditions known to be associated with alcohol intake. In addition, the heart is discussed and recommendations are given. The punch line of the paper is alcohol should be avoided at all costs. Alcohol has been known to relax people and make them enjoy more in celebration or parties.

In the past century, alcohol was viewed in a more skeptical and indifferent manner compared to today when it has become an acceptable part of the modern society. In most societies, Fridays and Saturdays have become the most common drinking sessions for the working society. Many people enjoy drinking without complication but those that drink heavily repeatedly often develop complications. Sadly most alcohol related problems are quite serious and often lead to premature and painful death. Death related to alcohol might be health related where the user develops a complication or socially damage due to crime, careless driving, and other machinery related accidents.

Not only does alcohol abuse because harm to an individual, but also impacts their families and society in general. Relationships and careers have been destroyed due to uncontrollable drinking and alcoholism. Since the body is a system that relies on the collective coordination of various body organs, alcohol disrupts the coordination and reliability of this function rendering all bodily functions running individually. This overworks the bodily functions thus overworking most vital organs. The most affected parts of the body resulting from excess intake of alcohol are the brain, liver, stomach, lungs, and heart. Alcoholism Alcoholism is the physical dependence to alcohol in order to perform ordinary daily activities. Persons continue to drink despite the problems emanating from their families, finances, health, work, social, and the psychological complications.

Problems cause by alcoholism result to psychological and not physical complications. Different people react to alcohol differently. This makes some individuals more prone to alcohol addiction compared to others. Researchers argue that certain genes act as predisposing factors for alcohol dependence Stöppler However, amounts of alcohol taken still determine ones chances of addiction. This consequently leads to addiction. Due to the rising numbers in the United States, efforts have been directed to help the patients stop completely. Programs like Alcohol Anonymous and Al-Anon are a few of support groups created to assist the patients in their recovery Stöppler Alcohol is known to produce impairments in the memory of the user.

As alcohol percentage increases, so does the memory incapacity increases. Other instances that promote alcohol memory problems are drinking large amounts of alcohol over a short period on an empty stomach. Black outs have been known to expose individuals to rape, theft and other dangerous vices and insecurities American Association for the Advancement of Science They also revealed that they had partaken in some form of dangerous activities that they could hardly remember. These include destruction of private property, unprotected sex, or driving while intoxicated. Alcohol intake is widely associated to impaired judgment. Due to the relaxing abilities of alcohol, users often find themselves unable to access the part of their brain that is responsible for morality and principles.

This leaves them with no guidelines or past experiences to refer to before engaging in certain activities. They find themselves with no voice of reason and thus doing things that they could not do if sober. For this reason many wake up in jail, engage in unprotected sexual activities sometimes with strangers and other actions that sometimes make an impact for a lifetime American Association for the Advancement of Science Scores of people have testified to the same. This is because alcohol affects the central nervous system which is responsible for activity in the brain and the spine. After taking alcohol, people become more enthusiastic and with fewer reservations American Association for the Advancement of Science The brain also slows in activity which continues to decrease with increased intake.

The after effects include altered speech, difficulty in thinking, poor hearing, impaired vision, and memory impairment leading to poor judgment. Women have been reported to be at a disadvantage compared to men in matters pertaining alcohol. The physiological make up of a woman is responsible for women feeling the effects of alcohol more than men even when they are of the same size. Researchers have also argued that women are more susceptible to alcohol related complications than men. This is because they process alcohol differently. One of the reasons that make them different is their decreased ability to dilute alcohol. The less body water means that men dilute alcohol faster compared to women.

The second factor is their lowered ability to metabolize alcohol. This lowers the ability of a woman to synthesize alcohol faster compared to men. Certain premenstrual hormones make a woman more intoxicated compared to other days of her cycle. This is the hormone that is produced right before their menstrual period. Breast cancer Although breast cancer is known to occur in both sexes, it is most prevalent in women. Initially, high levels of breast cancer in women were solely associated with smoking. However, leaps in biological sciences have shown that alcohol abuse in women may be a predisposing factor to breast cancer. Research shows that alcohol intake increases the levels of Oestrogen a hormone predominant with the women productive systems.

The more the alcohol intake the higher the Oestogen levels in the body Public Health Agency At normal levels, it is essential for normal growth of the heart, bones and the functioning of the female reproductive organ. However, at higher levels, it is associated with the abnormal growth of cancer cells in the breast. Despite the fact that breast cancer is mostly uncontrollable, alcohol intake is one of the controllable factors that will reduce the chances of developing this deadly cancer. Breast cancer is the number one killing cancer in women and chances to avoid it should be taken seriously.

Unlike in other cancer types, alcohol is argued to increase the chances of treated cancer coming back to women with previous diagnosis. Conclusively, it is safe to say, all types of drinking whether moderate, occasional, or binge drinking is a risk factor to women in the development of breast cancer. Liver disease is perhaps the most dangerous form of alcohol related complication known to man. This perilous disease is made worse by the fact that it stays for a very long time for it to manifest its symptoms. In addition, it is also because the liver is a very important organ of the body that is responsible for digestion, remove of toxins, and providing energy for the body. Due to its functions, it is the liquor controlling organ of a human.

Because the liver has over body functions, breaking down alcohol means more work for it Longstreth If an individual participates in regular drinking, then the liver ends up being over worked hence damage leading to various liver diseases. Alcoholism is defined as an addiction to alcohol. Harmful consequences may result Teenage alcoholism is a serious problem. One study found that more than three million teens are alcoholics. Despite the numbers, however, there is much that can be done about teen alcoholism. Teen alcoholism is a very treatable condition. Teenage alcoholism requires specialized treatment, however.

Alcoholism Teenagers. When most people think of addiction, they think of potheads and alcoholics. Although those are the most common types of addiction, there are also more bizarre things like sex addicts and gambling. In a sense, every person has a form of addiction. Weather to caffeine, Alcoholism Society. Alcoholism, a word that strikes a nerve in many homes. It is an ongoing problem that can carry severe consequences. Its effects vary among different countries Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism. I went to three AA meetings to get a better and more personal understanding of how addiction affects people.

Introduction The type of group that I chose to observe was a step Alcoholics Anonymous AA group. The AA group that I attended was an open group. Before attending the group, I called the Las Vegas Central Office for Alcoholics Anonymous to inquire about AA Social media typically options celebrities drinking cocktails drunken how-to posts and party photos. this can be the atmosphere in u. a teens are immersed in on a daily basis with seventy-one of teens using quite one social media website payment a median of Alcohol Alcoholism Social Media. One of the most standard reasons could also be to take care of stress or maybe to resound depression.

however, dealing with depression by using alcohol may be a dangerous cycle mutually disorder usually worsens the opposite disorder. when 2 disorders feed off and have Alcoholism Depression. But it also has overwhelming consequences for society. Alcoholism Substance Abuse. Alcohol dependence can place your health in danger along with your relationships with your loved ones and friends are changed also. The way society I visited two open AA meetings, which is meant to have an open discussion about their substance abuse history and problems dealing with alcohol. People form anywhere was able to come to both meetings, regardless of how ones look and behaves.

This also meant that I attended the meeting in spanish with my mom who had never been to a meeting before. As we walked into the meeting there were Alcohol in limited and prescribed dozes can help in the proper development of a body without any serious type of side effects. But it has been observed that when the doze gets maximised then it may lead to serious health and other related issues. Alcohol Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism. Health may be a method of

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