My parents were able to obtain a middle school education, which at that time in Latin America, was a good educational accomplishment, personal characteristics essay. A leader must understand the big picture of the organization and the way the smaller parts work together to help achieve the personal characteristics essay goals. Lee and premiered in There is a wealth of empirical evidence that has demonstrated Baccalaureate BSN nurses are associated with fewer medication errors, lower mortality rates, and personal characteristics essay overall positive patient outcomes than nurses at lower levels of educational achievement. The New Georgia Encyclopedia. I like helping people who are having issues within their relationship or are having family issues because I can learn from their personal experiences and use it for my own as well as give me a better understanding on how to read people better based on their.
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The AMCAS is a centralized online application processing service where you can apply to most medical schools in the nation. In this blog, we will discuss some background information about the TMDSAS. Then, we will highlight everything you need to know about the TMDSAS personal characteristics essay and how to write an essay personal characteristics essay will maximize your chances of getting accepted into your dream medical school in Texas. Because Texas is such an extensive and populous state, the purpose of the TMDSAS is to provide a centralized application service that is a network of Texas-only medical, dental, and veterinary schools, personal characteristics essay. In fact, the TMDSAS pre-dates the AMCAS, and Texas has remained committed to its own application system.
Like the AMCAS personal statementthe TMDSAS also requires personal characteristics essay personal statement essay with a stricter character limit of In addition, personal characteristics essay, the TMDSAS requires a personal characteristics essay as well as an optional essay. The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay must be characters or less including spaces. Please describe your personal characteristics background, personal characteristics essay, talents, skills, etc. or experiences that would add to the educational experience of others, personal characteristics essay. The way this prompt is worded might sound confusing and challenging, but we can simplify it.
The purpose of this essay is really just a way to measure your diversity. Diversity has different contexts for the purposes of this prompt. These may include your unique background, perspectives, personal characteristics essay, ideas, talents, skills, insights, experiences, knowledge, creativity, critical thinking, and ideas that showcase your diversity and how your diversity, specifically, will enhance the medical school and be an asset to personal characteristics essay peers. A strong personal characteristics essay will connect your diverse background to the medical school and illustrate how it personal characteristics essay benefit from your diversity. Imagine a medical school entering class consisting of students from the same type of household, the same kind of family, the same socioeconomic class, the same culture, the same geographical landscape, personal characteristics essay, and the same education.
Now, because people are individuals, there would be some diversity within this group, but not much. How much do their experiences actually personal characteristics essay from one another? And how much can they actually enhance one another with their unique perspectives? Now imagine a different medical school entering class that consists of diverse students with other cultures, upbringings, socioeconomic classes, places of birth, educational experiences, ethnicities, hobbies, talents, and skills. This latter student body has the advantage personal characteristics essay learning brand new ideas, insights, and perspectives from one another.
This student body can challenge one another to grow, learn to empathize with diverse people, and foster a global mindset that is open, accepting, and critical in medicine, which aspires to heal human beings as equals. This is the heart of the personal characteristics essay. This is what medical schools want from leaders in medicine. The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is only characters, personal characteristics essay, including spaces, so every word must count. Brainstorming is an effective technique to recall memories and experiences you can write about in your personal characteristics essay. At this point, personal characteristics essay, brainstorming ideas should feel liberating and open.
You simply want to write down every idea that comes to you that may be relevant in the personal characteristics essay. Here is a list of questions to get started with thinking about diversity:. Remember, the personal characteristics essay is a diversity essay, so pick the ideas that will demonstrate diversity and how they will enrich your peers. Because the TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is only characters, it is important to value quality over quantity. So, pick the best one to three ideas, personal characteristics essay, and write a compelling narrative that prioritizes meaning, impact, and quality.
Create an outline to structure and organize your essay. Although the personal characteristics essay is relatively short, you still want the content to be professional and easy to follow. The essay should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion:. After completing your outline, begin to write the first draft. Be mindful of the character limit. Your tone should be professional or academic, not casual. Go over your first draft with a fine-toothed comb. Check for any errors in spelling, grammar, clarity, and sentence structure. If there are weak sentences, cross them out and rewrite them. Remember to show rather than tell by answering the prompt and staying on topic. The introduction should flow seamlessly to the body, and the body should flow seamlessly to the conclusion.
Have someone else look at your essay and give you feedback. This should be a trusted individual such as a mentor, personal characteristics essay, colleague, supervisor, instructor, family member, or friend, personal characteristics essay. Being South Asian, I have firsthand knowledge of what it means not to access basic healthcare. As a child, my mother took me to Pakistan every year, where I spent summers with my grandfather, a top pediatrician in the nation. He personal characteristics essay a free clinic attached to his home in Faisalabad, and his practice was so renowned and respected that people from all over the country would travel great distances to have my grandfather treat their children.
Pakistan is a third-world country where a significant part of the population remains illiterate and uneducated due to the lack of resources and opportunities. This population is the most vulnerable, with extremely high numbers of infectious disease and mortality rates. Yet, it is entirely underserved. I would pass out bottled water and pieces of fruit. I would record names, where the patients came from, personal characteristics essay, and reasons for their visit. I learned in my formative years how to communicate with diverse patient populations with special needs and lack of basic necessities. When I get into medical school, I hope to share the story of how Gulzarah personal characteristics essay her dehydrated daughter for twelve miles in the Pakistani summer heat without rest thanks to my grandfather, she later made a full recovery, personal characteristics essay.
I want to tell my peers that doctors like my grandfather are not only healers in biology but healers in spirit when he made up heroic songs for the children and sang the fear out of their hearts. I want to show my peers that patients are unique individuals who have suffered and sacrificed to trust us with their healthcare, so we must honor their trust by providing quality treatment and empathy. My formative experiences in pediatrics contributed to my globally conscious mindset, and I look forward to sharing these diverse insights in my medical career. You personal characteristics essay broaden the definition and think of any unique event or experience that is meaningful, answers the prompt, and shows how it would benefit your peers.
Here are some additional questions to help with brainstorming:. The personal statement addresses why you are the right candidate for medical school. On the other hand, the personal characteristics essay focuses on your diversity and the insights that can educate your medical school peers. Ideally, personal characteristics essay, one to three events or experiences are sufficient to answer the prompt. The essay should be clear, well organized, and professional. It is much easier to achieve a compelling, coherent essay by focusing on a couple key ideas. The TMDSAS personal statement is characters including spaces. The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is characters including spaces. The TMDSAS optional essay is characters including spaces. The TMDSAS is an application processing service for most medical schools in Texas.
To write a compelling and effective TMDSAS personal characteristics essay, first brainstorm events and experiences that answer the prompt. Second, narrow down your selection to one to three ideas. Next, outline the structure of the first draft with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion. Write an essay that showcases your diversity in meaningful ways that tie your experiences to medicine. Finally, revise your work so that it is professional, free of errors, and tells a great story. With our guide, you are well on your way to crafting a successful TMDSAS personal characteristics essay that will make you stand out to the admissions committee.
Inspira Advantage. Our Team. Get Free Consultation, personal characteristics essay. Your Cart. Product is not available in this quantity. Admissions Consulting. Test Prep. Inspira Advantage Admissions Consulting. DAT MCAT USMLE COMLEX. Blog Case Studies. About Us. Our Team Our Process Parents. Part 1. Introduction Part 2. Purpose of the Personal characteristics essay Part 3. TMDSAS Essay Overview Part 4. Purpose of the TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay Part 5. How to Write the TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay Part 6. Sample TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay Part 7.
FAQs Part 8. Foster School of Medicine at El Paso The Texas Tech University Personal characteristics essay Science Center School of Medicine at Lubbock The University of Houston College of Medicine The University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School At this time, two Texas medical schools do not participate in the TMDSAS: The TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine requires all applicants to use the AMCAS. The University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine requires all applicants to use the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service AACOMAS.
Purpose of the TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay must be characters or less including spaces. How to Write the TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is only personal characteristics essay, including spaces, so every word must count.
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The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is only characters, including spaces, so every word must count. Brainstorming is an effective technique to recall memories and experiences you can write about in your personal characteristics essay. At this point, brainstorming ideas should feel liberating and open. You simply want to write down every idea that comes to you that may be relevant in the personal characteristics essay. Here is a list of questions to get started with thinking about diversity:. Remember, the personal characteristics essay is a diversity essay, so pick the ideas that will demonstrate diversity and how they will enrich your peers.
Because the TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is only characters, it is important to value quality over quantity. So, pick the best one to three ideas, and write a compelling narrative that prioritizes meaning, impact, and quality. Create an outline to structure and organize your essay. Although the personal characteristics essay is relatively short, you still want the content to be professional and easy to follow. The essay should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion:. After completing your outline, begin to write the first draft. Be mindful of the character limit. Your tone should be professional or academic, not casual. Go over your first draft with a fine-toothed comb. Check for any errors in spelling, grammar, clarity, and sentence structure.
If there are weak sentences, cross them out and rewrite them. Remember to show rather than tell by answering the prompt and staying on topic. The introduction should flow seamlessly to the body, and the body should flow seamlessly to the conclusion. Have someone else look at your essay and give you feedback. This should be a trusted individual such as a mentor, colleague, supervisor, instructor, family member, or friend. Being South Asian, I have firsthand knowledge of what it means not to access basic healthcare. As a child, my mother took me to Pakistan every year, where I spent summers with my grandfather, a top pediatrician in the nation. He had a free clinic attached to his home in Faisalabad, and his practice was so renowned and respected that people from all over the country would travel great distances to have my grandfather treat their children.
Pakistan is a third-world country where a significant part of the population remains illiterate and uneducated due to the lack of resources and opportunities. This population is the most vulnerable, with extremely high numbers of infectious disease and mortality rates. Yet, it is entirely underserved. I would pass out bottled water and pieces of fruit. I would record names, where the patients came from, and reasons for their visit. I learned in my formative years how to communicate with diverse patient populations with special needs and lack of basic necessities.
When I get into medical school, I hope to share the story of how Gulzarah carried her dehydrated daughter for twelve miles in the Pakistani summer heat without rest thanks to my grandfather, she later made a full recovery. I want to tell my peers that doctors like my grandfather are not only healers in biology but healers in spirit when he made up heroic songs for the children and sang the fear out of their hearts. I want to show my peers that patients are unique individuals who have suffered and sacrificed to trust us with their healthcare, so we must honor their trust by providing quality treatment and empathy. My formative experiences in pediatrics contributed to my globally conscious mindset, and I look forward to sharing these diverse insights in my medical career.
You can broaden the definition and think of any unique event or experience that is meaningful, answers the prompt, and shows how it would benefit your peers. Here are some additional questions to help with brainstorming:. The personal statement addresses why you are the right candidate for medical school. On the other hand, the personal characteristics essay focuses on your diversity and the insights that can educate your medical school peers. Ideally, one to three events or experiences are sufficient to answer the prompt. The essay should be clear, well organized, and professional.
It is much easier to achieve a compelling, coherent essay by focusing on a couple key ideas. The TMDSAS personal statement is characters including spaces. The TMDSAS personal characteristics essay is characters including spaces. The TMDSAS optional essay is characters including spaces. The TMDSAS is an application processing service for most medical schools in Texas. To write a compelling and effective TMDSAS personal characteristics essay, first brainstorm events and experiences that answer the prompt. Second, narrow down your selection to one to three ideas. Next, outline the structure of the first draft with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.
Write an essay that showcases your diversity in meaningful ways that tie your experiences to medicine. Finally, revise your work so that it is professional, free of errors, and tells a great story. With our guide, you are well on your way to crafting a successful TMDSAS personal characteristics essay that will make you stand out to the admissions committee. Inspira Advantage. Our Team. Get Free Consultation. Your Cart. Product is not available in this quantity. Admissions Consulting. Test Prep. Inspira Advantage Admissions Consulting. DAT MCAT USMLE COMLEX. Blog Case Studies. About Us. Our Team Our Process Parents. Part 1. Introduction Part 2. Purpose of the TMDSAS Part 3. TMDSAS Essay Overview Part 4. Purpose of the TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay Part 5.
How to Write the TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay Part 6. Sample TMDSAS Personal Characteristics Essay Part 7. FAQs Part 8. The Service Industries Journal, Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe [ It will also discuss if he was ever able to outgrow the nickname. Bird is not ready for fatherhood or a family, and so he abandons the "nest" for revelry and excess, until he finally takes responsibility for his actions, and sheds his childhood nickname forever. Bird" is the nickname of the main character in "A Personal Matter. He writes, "It wasn't only…. References Oe, Kenzaburo. A Personal Matter. The Silent Cry. Teach us to Outgrow Our Madness. New York: Book-of-the-Month Club, Introduction A philosophy of caring and compassion is necessary but not sufficient for effective nurse administration.
Nurse administrators assume additional duties and responsibilities when they manage health care facilities. In addition to understanding the regulations affecting day to day operations, nurse administrators need to have a firm command of financial management and human resources management expertise. Nurse administrators also need to know about how to form strategic alliances with partners in the community, government, and private sector. Essentially, nurse administrators tend to be relatively far removed from the job of actual nursing and provision of care, while also keeping in mind the need for patient-centric policies.
Strong communication skills, organizational and coordination skills, leadership skills, and of course, strategic management skills are among the core characteristics of an effective nurse administrator. Scope and Standards A nurse administrator serves in an executive, managerial, and leadership position. The nurse administrator serves in…. Introduction My personal leadership development plan is based my intention to use transformational leadership theory to promote healthcare-eldercare advocacy in my organizational behavior. Transformational Leadership Transformational leadership is a style of leadership that can be applied in virtually any…. Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between for-Profit and Not-For-Profit Organizations For-profit and not-for-profit companies often operate very differently from one another.
Here this will be shown with a comparison between the American ed Cross a not-for-profit company and the Coca-Cola Company a for-profit company. The background of each one of them will be addressed, and they proposed solutions and recommendations will be discussed. Each company has its problems, whether it is for-profit or not, but there are unique problems faced by each kind of company. The differences in whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit can have a significant effect on the companies themselves and whether they are able to continue being successful or whether they must make changes in order to see growth and development in the future. Case Study Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations: The ed Cross and Coca-Cola Introduction….
References Bennett, A. The Geneva Convention: The Hidden Origins of the Red Cross. Sutton Publishing, Gloucestershire, England. Boissier, P. History of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Volume I: From Solferino to Tsushima. Henry Dunant Institute, Geneva. Forsythe, D. The Humanitarians: The International Committee of the Red Cross. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Giebelhaus, A. Coca-Cola Company. The New Georgia Encyclopedia. Georgia Humanities Council. characteristics LensCrafters 3 levesl a total 9. Customer Benefit Package CBP , strategy competitive priorities.
Service delivery system design c. Service encounter design Discuss lessons LensCrafters demonstrates organizations learn. LensCrafters LensCrafters is one of the leading prescription grasses and sunglasses companies in the world. Headquartered in the United States, the company is part of the Italian conglomerate Luxottica, which is the largest eyewear company in the world Barbaro, The organization was founded in in Mason, Ohio, and has since then, increased in size, importance and popularity. Today, LensCrafters is notable not only as a provider of eyewear products, but also as a reputable business organization, worthwhile analyzing. In order to conduct this analysis, the focus would fall on four specific issues, as revealed below: Customer benefit package, strategy and competitive priorities Service delivery system design Service encounter design Lessons from LensCrafters 1.
Customer benefit package, strategy…. References: Barbaro, M. Gushue, Clarke, Pantzer, et al. In particular, these authors report that: Career decision making self-efficacy refers to the degree to which individuals feel confident in their ability to successfully engage in tasks associated with making a career choice and with commitment to a career. It has also been observed that career-related self-efficacy in general may prove to be an important element in formulating a model of career development Gushue and coworkers go on to argue that when career self-efficacy is high, individuals are more assertive in the career counseling process. Thus, by developing career self-efficacy, career counselors can effectively improve interactions with clients and facilitate a greater understanding of client needs with respect to career decision making.
Applying this to the larger context of social learning theory, it…. References Arbona, C. Practice and research in career counseling and development -- " Career Development Quarterly, 49 2 , Flores, L. Annual review: Practice and research in career counseling and development -- " Career Development Quarterly, 52, Germeijs, V. Indecisiveness and high school students' career decision making process: Longitudinal associations and the mediational role of anxiety. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53 4 , Giannantonio, G. Applying image norms across Super's career development stages. Career Development Quarterly, 54 4 , In instances such as this, an employee may make decisions that are totally foreign to their normal character. It is these corporate ethical values that typically have the most impact on the decision-making process.
Organizational ethical contexts are comprised of the moral ideologies adopted by the members of the organization, as well as the institutionalized philosophies regarding the principled conduct and the ethics codes that shape corporate strategy and action. When organizational ethical values are positively aligned with personal values, a more positive person-organization fit is acquired. The development of ethical codes, which are merely a formalized statement of the corporate ethical values, have a positive effect on reducing the number of unethical decisions that are made by employees. Employees that are members of an organization with an imposed code of ethics were found to…. References Finegan, J. Jun The impact of person and organizational values on organizational commitment.
Retrieved November 10, , from Academic Search Premier database. Myers, C. The core values. Airpower Journal, 11 1. Valentine, S. Dec Ethical context, organizational commitment, and person-organization fit. Journal of Business Ethics, 41 4. Retrieved November 10, , from ProQuest database. How Personal, Organizational and Cultural Values Affect the Decision-Making Process. Perception of Pain Uses of Pain in nursing Definitions of Pain from Dictionaries Uses of Pain in psychology Defining attributes Model case elated Case Contrary Case Antecedents and Consequences CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF PECEPTION OF PAIN The aim of this paper is to increase the understanding of the perception of pain. The researcher purpose to clarify describe the characteristics of pain and recognize antecedents that effect the idea of pain and the likely outcomes of pain by utilizing Avant's and Walker theory of study.
Also, a model case shows how pain is connected to these serious characteristics contrary case and a borderline case are shown to distinguish the perception of pain from other notions. Empirical referents show the current point-of-view of the perception of pain. References: Akyol, O. Experiences of pain and satisfaction with pain management in patients undergoing total knee replacement. Orthopedic Nursing, 28 2 , Chan, S. Predicting adjustment to chronic pain in older adults. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 44 3 , Eggermont, L. Comparing pain severity vs. The Journals of Gerontology, 64A 7 , Gelinas, C. American Journal of Critical Care, 13 2 , For example, a person's eyes can often convey a far more vivid message than words and often do; Complementing: they may add to or complement a verbal message.
A boss who pats a person on the back in addition to giving praise can increase the impact of the message; Accenting: non-verbal communication may accept or underline a verbal message. Pounding the table, for example, can underline a message. arry, nd VI. arry, nd; paraphrased …. Bibliography Developing Effective Communication Skills Intelligent Life on the Web - Buzzle. html Hills, P. And McLaren, Margaret Communication Skills - an International Review. Nurses are considered the backbone of the medical care-giver community. Good quality patient care centers on having a competent educated nursing labor force. There is a wealth of empirical evidence that has demonstrated Baccalaureate BSN nurses are associated with fewer medication errors, lower mortality rates, and greater overall positive patient outcomes than nurses at lower levels of educational achievement.
For example, Brady, Malone, and Fleming performed an extensive literature review and found that BSN nurses made fewer medication errors than their less educated counterparts. Aiken and associates found a strong link between N education level and patient outcomes. Their findings indicated that for every ten percent increase in the proportion of BSN nurses in a surgical unit there was a four percent decrease in the risk of death to patients. In a large study of nearly 47, patients conducted at the University Toronto it was found that hospital…. References Aiken, L. Educational levels of hospital nurses and surgical patient mortality. Journal of the American Medical Association, , Brady, A. A literature review of the individual and systems factors that contribute to medication errors in nursing practice.
Journal of Nursing Management, 17 6 , Friese, C. R, Lake, E. Hospital nurse practice environments and outcomes for surgical oncology patients. Health Services Research, 43 4 , Profetto-McGrath, J. The relationship of critical thinking skills and critical thinking dispositions of baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43 6 , Description of your leadership philosophy a. Fundamental leadership concept The main emphasis emerging from the transformational leadership concept is for nursing leaders to produce not just constructive but also valuation challenges for their subordinates and followers for the realization of the established organizational objectives.
Based on Damirch, Rahimi, and Seyyedi , the famous James MacGregor Burns created this design when researching governmental leaders; nevertheless, its good effect traversed to other fields and areas. In my situation, the importance given to the transformational leadership idea is related to its development of a higher-performing, dedicated personnel when used in health-care institutions. In medical centers as well as other treatment institutions, transformational leadership could be carried out within any institutional system or department like worker groups, divisions, sectors, as well as at the top leadership Choi, Goh, Adam, And Tan, Essentially, this idea improves not just the inspiration but the overall….
Characteristics Fulfillment in Life The aim of this discussion to ascertain three of the qualities a person needs so that they can lead a life of fulfillment. The three qualities discussed will be love, integrity and knowledge. These three traits are part of the essence of being human and, combined with other humanistic traits such as sympathy and passion, these traits separate humans from the other, soulless animals in the world. The first of these qualities to discuss is love. Love is a quality that no life can be without. The ability to build nurturing and loving relationships with another person is integral to our emotional fulfillment. It brings us the greatest joy we can possibly experience.
Love can do many things including alleviating loneliness, such as the kind of "terrible loneliness in which one's shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold, unfathomable abyss" ussell,…. References Carter, S. February The Insufficiency of Honesty. Atlantic Monthly, Russell, B. Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. Educated Person Review at least seven sources of information. Being well-educated means different things to different people. It does however embody certain benchmarks that qualify a person as well-educated, including but not limited to wealth, education, worldliness, etc.
It goes beyond just academic experiences. The dictionary describes an educated person as "having an education; one above average; showing evidence of schooling, training, experience; exhibiting culture. Some deem a well-educated person has who probably possesses great financial wealth. Others few the individual who has a superior intellect or has been exposed to worldwide culture as a person who is above the norm. Still others would describe ideal image of a well educated person as one who is smart enough to be of sound character, a good citizen and possessing intellect, emotion and heart and soul. So what are…. Perceived Leadership Integrity Leadership Style My leadership style can be best described as servant leadership.
This approach is based on the idea that the leader exists to bring out the best in the people who are being led. Ultimately, I feel that as a leader I fit in a role where I am seeking to optimize the strategies and plans related to the organization as a whole, and that the best way for me to do so is to ensure that the people under my charge are equipped to perform at their highest level Greenleaf, One leader alone cannot bring about the organizational results that are desired; only the entire organization can do that. Therefore, the role of the leader is to facilitate each and every member of the organization to operate at his or her highest possible level, without constraints, and that they may be encouraged to do…. References ChangingMinds. org Lewin's leadership styles.
htm Cherry, K. Leadership theories: The 8 major leadership theories. htm Faleye, O. Does one hat fit all? The case of corporate leadership structure. pdf Greenleaf Center What is servant leadership? Greenleaf Center. Human trafficking is defined as "the recruitment and movement of people by force, coercion or deception, for the purposes of exploitation" Abas et al. However, according to a study by Abas et al. This compromises the internal validity of the studies, given that so many other factors could impact results. Still, there is evidence that women who have been trafficked suffer from higher rates of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD Abas et al. To offer a more controlled study, Abbas et al. All women in the study were eligible to receive government post-intervention crisis care as a result….
References Abas, M. Risk factors for mental disorders in women survivors of human trafficking: A historical cohort study. BMC Psychiatry, 13, Human trafficking in a globalized world: Gender aspects of the issue and anti-trafficking politics. Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 2 1 , Hepburn, S. Hidden in plain sight: Human trafficking in the United. Advertising and Promotion1 Advertising in the 21st CenturyThe 21st century is the Digital Age, the age that marked the shift from legacy media to new media. Advertisers have thus focused more and more on digital media, social media, and clicks than on the power of print media or traditional commercials on TV. The reason for this shift is that more people now use their mobile devices for browsing the Internet, consuming information, shopping via e-commerce, or communicating with peers than ever before.
Fewer people read books and magazines than ever before. Advertisers have to go where the eyeballs are, and digital media platforms like Facebook and Google have ways to track eyeballs through online monitoring, which gives advertisers a way to understand what users are doing. Counseling Develop your theoretical orientation to the counseling process and identify how this approach compares to Cognitive Behavioral theory Since its inception nearly fifty years ago, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT has become recognized as perhaps the most effective therapeutic approach. Indeed, CBT has myriad uses, and is applied in a number of situations, including depression, personality disorders, and wellness and rehabilitation.
However, there also exist limitations to cognitive behavioral therapy, mainly surrounding treatment with patients from diverse cultures. This paper develops appropriate therapeutic orientations, discussing different therapeutic concerns and approaches. First, attention is paid to the nature of people; next, the role of the individual in families and other systems is addressed. Then, multicultural considerations, wellness and prevention, and the nature of problems are discussed. Finally, the paper addresses the process of change and how the orientations enacted are successful in practice. The nature of people People are diverse, not…. References Beck, J. Cognitive therapy. In Handbook of Homework Assignments in Psychotherapy.
New York: Springer Science. Brown, J. Bowen family systems therapy and practice: Illustration and critique. Family Therapy, 20 2 , Lay, K. In Drug Courts: A New Approach to Treatment and Rehabilitation. Shedler, J. The efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 65 2 , Personal Branding My Strengths We all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. With regard to my strengths, it is important to note that in addition to having an inherent ability to relate well with others, I am also quite ambitious, creative, open minded, and persistent. In this section, I describe these strengths in significant detail and explain how I have, in the past, made use of them.
To begin with, from quite an early age, I have always been an effective communicator, a trait which, I believe, plays a significant role towards the further enhancement of my ability to relate well with others. Indeed, I always find it easy to not only start but also maintain conversations. I also find it relatively easy to find and keep friends. Essentially, this is a trait I have used in the past to not only acquire friends -- people who have been…. Personal Leadership Platform A leadership platform is a complex concept. The questions expanded my thinking into not only what I want to be as a leader, but also why those convictions are important. As a new marketing manager, I think this is a valuable activity to examine my beliefs and values of what my leadership should represent.
Purpose of Leadership The simple purpose of leadership is to lead a group with a common goal. The true question is what a leader must possess in order to carry out the process of achieving a common goal. A leader must understand the big picture of the organization and the way the smaller parts work together to help achieve the overarching goals. Using data, leaders must work with those they lead to develop goals for company improvement. The leader is responsible for…. References Ambler, G. Leaders vs. Are they really different? Task and relationship orientation of Americans: a study of gender, age, and work experience. pdf Daugherty R. Power and Influence: Strategies for Leadership. pdf Fleenor J. Trait Approach to Leadership. Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Sage Publications. Anderson converses spiritual oppression and how Satan and his fallen angels are in the process of trying to overpower the believers will. He also provides the phases to independence, for example: fake vs. factual, dishonesty vs. truth, resentment vs. tolerance, revolt vs. obedience, arrogance vs. self-effacement, and oppression vs. lack of restrictions. Fake vs. real step show how we need to absorb to recognize God's certainty so we do not fall into Satan's trap. If fall for these tricks of deception then we automatically give up God's truth for what is considered a lie. Dishonesty vs. truth shows that we should battle Satan's trickery with God's reality. If we become deceived then we must do away with any misleading views for the truth that will bring us our liberation.
Bitterness vs. forgiveness is showing us that we do not need to harbor that illness in our hearts because Satan…. Works Cited A. The Anxiety Cure: You Can Find Emotional Tranquility and Wholeness. Thomas Nelson, Inc. Adams, E. How to Help People Change: The Four- Step Biblical Process. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Anderson, T. The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings and Habitual Sins. Boston: House Publishers, Inc. Backus, W. Telling Yourself the Truth: Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger and Other Common Problems by Applying the Priciples of Misbelief Therapy.
Grand Rapids: Bethany Publishing Group. Leadership Comparing Characteristics of Leaders and Managers The term leader and manager is often used in an interchangeable manner and it is likely that at some point most leaders have undertaken a management role. However, when looking at leaders and managers there are some distinct differences. These can be considered in terms of their characteristics and the way these characteristics manifest. A common theme in much literature is the way in which leaders may be identified as they have followers and inspire others This refers to the concept of leaders having charisma. In this context there are many examples of leaders both good and bad.
Leaders which fit in with this context include, John F. Kennedy former U. President, Nelson Mandela the South African leader, Richard Branson founder of the Virgin empire and Howard Schultz the CEO and inspiration behind Starbucks. These are all examples of charismatic leaders. Consumer subjective personal introspection of your own buying behavior, and to relate this to the notion of products as extensions of the self and consumer behaviour theory. buying behaviour Subjective personal introspection of your own buying behaviour as an extension of the self and consumer behaviour theory It has been noted in many studies on consumer behaviour that the products that the individual purchases are very often closely linked to the identity and values of that individual.
Consumer behaviour has been defined as, "The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives e. In other words, the products that one purchases are in essence often seen as an extension of one's self. This means that the customer purchasing behaviour is often best understood…. References Bloom P. et al. How Social-Cause Marketing Affects Consumer Perceptions. Mit Sloan Management Review, vol. html Burnett, J Date of access: 1 Nov. Copely, P Family centered care is a noble belief deeming family members and health care staff as equal partners and working collectively to address the needs of the kid.
Patient family centered care is a continuous process in order to address the needs and duties of families St. Jude Children's Hospital, Words and concepts that describe this phenomenon Dignity, respect, information sharing, participation and teamwork Identifying terms concepts that can summarize, label or name this phenomenon Each family and child is different: Families have diverse backgrounds, life experiences, customs and traditions, education, cultural values and notions. Care should be facilitated equally to all patients whilst catering the choices and needs of each family St.
Open communication between family, patients and healthcare staff: It's productive to openly voice…. References Ahmann, E. And Dokken, D. Implementing Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Part II - Strategies and Resources for Success. Pediatric Nursing. Volume 38, Number 2. Mastro, K. And Preuster, C. Patient- and Family-Centered Care: A Call to Action for New Knowledge and Innovation. The Journal of Nursing Administration. Volume 44, Number 9, pp Jude Children's Hospital. What is Patient Family Centered Care? Indeed, Bandura writes, "The way in which adolescents develop and exercise their personal efficacy during this period can play a key role in setting the course their life paths take" pg.
Because society is made up of people, people who have higher levels of self-efficacy in large numbers tend to change society, making it more proactive, productive, and progressive. In addition, the opposite of this is also true. Indeed, larger groups with lower levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy tend to create societies that are less motivated to change, or at least pockets within this society who have motivated the laissez-faire mentality. Furthermore, one's self-esteem, self-concept, and self-efficacy help determine how one sees one's self in society. Those who see themselves as unproductive and who believe they will be burdens to society can account for many of those who make up society's prisons and areas of social assistance. References Alvarez, J.
html Bandura, A. Ramachaudran Ed. New York: Academic Press. New York: Macmillan. The experience I had accumulated in my secondary days as a supervisor in mathematics also assists me in my place of work. I also had experience as a supervisor in my workplace, which enhanced my development level as a supervisor. My development level as a supervisor also continues in my workplace before getting admission into the university. Before I got admission in into the university, I had worked in series of companies notably manufacturing companies.
For example, I worked with Toyota Company for 5 years as an assistant supervisor. My working experience in the company has assisted my development level as a supervisor. In my working experience, I understand that it is critical for a supervisor to build working relationships with supervisees. Typically, supervisory-supervisees relationships enhance mutual alliance between the two parties. The supervisor and supervisees share responsibility of developing empathy, genuineness, warmth, emotional and reliability engagement to develop key….
References Arthur, M. Application of the Discrimination Model of Supervision for Residency Education, Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education,18 1 Bernard, J. Supervisor training: A discrimination model. Counselor Education and Supervision, 19, Fundamentals of clinical supervision. Fundamentals of clinical supervision, 4th Edition. Columbus, OH: Merrill. Most conclusions on this approach were vague or indecisive in terms of social, psychological or mental significance ice, , ; Graen et al.
Furthermore, over the years, many scholars have come to the realization that leadership is situational and hence there are many realistic settings like the environment, the employees, the resources, etc. This is why it is important to first understand the different types of scenarios that a leader can face and then use those scenarios as the foundation on which most leadership techniques and approaches are built. This idea of leadership being situational is very helpful in outlining the methods through which leadership can be developed and has taken up a good part of the last three-decade of research Mckenna, Boyd and Yost, There were….
References Adler, a. Understanding human nature. New York: Permabooks. Ashour, a. The Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness: An Evaluation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 9: Bandura, a. The Exercise of Control. New York: W. Bass, B. Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York: The Free Press. Bennis, W. New York: Harper and Row. God Personal Defining "Personal" etween the belief that God is a person and the belief that God is personal which one is essential to Christian faith? My stand is that the belief that God is a person is a hindrance to Christian faith. Interestingly, some recent religious philosophy writers have however made the assumption that believing in God is believing in a person.
Richard Swinburne is one such influential advocate of this concept. It is clear from his works that Richard Swinburne understands that God is like "a bodiless person, a spirit who can do anything, is all knowing, free, without fault, eternal and the creator of the universe. That God is a person or personal is one of the fundamental claims believers have continuously made about God. God is represented like a person in Vishnu, Hinduism, rahma and Shiva. In the bible, the Old Testament, You can read about…. Bibliography Bloesch, Donald G. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press.
Burns, Elizabeth. Cross, George. Also, it is almost impossible to assess the classes' collective level of interest from email, papers, and responses, for a particular lesson. Interactive technology, even video conferencing, lacks the cohesive nature of one-on-one interaction in the real world as a class. Even though a video conference, a teacher cannot monitor students as closely, assign in-class team assignments, or have as much flexibility over tailoring his or her lesson plan to suit the immediate dynamics of the room. Depending on the number of students in the class, the online format can also seem impersonal. Students may subconsciously hold this against the teacher and either feel excessively dependent on or resentful of the instructor, either bombarding the teacher with email on one hand, or turning in assignments late on the other.
Peer interaction can provide some support, and ideally may even be more sustaining than in a real world, large lecture hall,…. Works Cited Berge, Z. Facilitating computer conferencing: Recommendations from the field. Educational Technology. html Faculty Development Lesson 9: Introduction to the Instructing Lessons. Politics The Machiavellian Characteristics of President George. Bush George. Bush has followed in his fathers' footsteps, becoming the 43rd President of the U. Like any U. president, there will be a number of controversial issues associated with his presidency, including the way action was taken in Iraq.
In hindsight it may be argued that President Bush was acting in a very Machiavellian manner, aligned with Machiavelli's ideal Prince. The alignment between the prince and Bush may not be surprising when it is realized that both a principle adviser to the president; Karl Rove, as well as Republic strategists and friend, Lee Atwater where both avid fans of Machiavelli Phillips However, to argue the likeness requires an examination of examples…. Works cited Harris, P, "Bush says God chose him to lead his nation," The Guardian, 29 August Ludlow, Lawrence M, Machiavelli and U.
Business Ethics Three common characteristics of poor decision making are the following errors in logic: appeals to pity, ad hominem arguments, and arguments from authority. Appeals to pity do not focus on the victim and try to create pity for a victim in order to elicit a certain result. However, these appeals to pity frequently fail to adequately link the lobbied-for action with the victim's predicament. That someone is in a bad situation is not a reason to act unless that action would remedy the victim. Moreover, it is not a reason to act if that action would harm a person who was not responsible for the victim's predicament. Therefore, while an ethical decision-maker should be compassionate, he should not have his decisions dictated by pity.
Another characteristic of poor decision making is listening to the ad hominem attack. Ad hominem attacks attack the character of a person rather the…. References Mallor, J. New York: McGraw-Hill. He also is the richest man in the world, and came from a high-achieving family. His mother was a college regent and the head of United Way. Gates was known for years as an autonomous loner. He did not marry until he was nearly 40, and he keeps a very low public profile, unlike the more charismatic and outgoing Branson. Gates is legendary for his need for dominance. Neither he nor Branson "need" to work anymore, they could live comfortably off their income for the rest of their lives.
However, Gates continues to run Microsoft, and be involved in all the decision making. He is "transitioning" out of the leadership role to lead his charitable foundation, but it will take two years and he will still be involved in high-level decisions. It seems it is very difficult for him to give up the reins and he must dominate the company….
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